FY 2018 Adopted Budget

FY 2018 Adopted Budget at a Glance

The School Board’s FY 2018 Adopted Budget totals $613.6 million which is a 5.4 percent increase over the FY 2017 Adopted Budget.

Total Adopted Budget:  $613.6 million
Projected Enrollment:  27,276
Cost per Pupil:  $19,340
Revenue Expenditures
County Transfer: 79.7% Schools: 82.5%
State: 11.8% Instructional Support: 3.9%
Federal: 2.3% Facilities & Operations: 7.6%
Local: 3.4% Management & Support Services: 5.3%
Other: 2.8% Leadership: 0.7%

Enrollment Highlights

Enrollment is expected to increase 1,124 students from September 2016 to September 2017 for a total enrollment of 27,276.

Revenue Highlights

County revenue increases by $24.3 million in FY 2018. This results from a combination of $13.7 million from the School’s share of increased local tax revenues and $10.5 million in additional County revenue.

Beginning balance, or carry-forward, remains at $3.5 million, the same amount as in the FY 2017 Adopted Budget.

Funding reserves increases $0.6 million or 3.8% due to the difference in the reserve funds included in the FY 2017 budget and the reserve funds included in the FY 2018 budget.

State revenue increases $3.9 million or 5.6%, primarily due to increased enrollment and sales tax.

Federal revenue increases $1.5 million or 11.4%, primarily due to an increase in Title I funding in the Grants and Restricted Programs fund and anticipated increases in funding for Food and Nutrition Services from the National School Lunch Program.

Local revenue from fees, charges, and grants is expected to increase by $1.4 million or 7.4% for FY 2018 based on historical trends, increased revenue due to increased participation in the Food and Nutrition Services, Extended Day, and Aquatics programs, and an increase in school breakfast and lunch prices.

Expenditure Highlights

Funding has been provided for:

  • An additional 47.8 positions plus materials and supplies for enrollment growth
  • A step increase for eligible employees and salary scale adjustments for positions identified in the compensation study as being under market
  • Increased debt service based on the Spring 2017 bond sale
  • Approximately $15.0 million in local, state and federal grants

New investments were kept to a minimum in the FY 2018 budget and address the School Board’s budget direction. They total $2.4 million and 24.0 positions, and include:

  • Increasing paraprofessional support for elementary interlude classes
  • Adding HVAC technicians and HVAC contracting services to maintain the complicated
  • HVAC systems throughout the divisionƒƒ Increasing the number of full-time bus drivers and bus attendants
  • An Integrated Project Planning team to assist with growing enrollment and boundary changes
  • A Transportation Planner to support comprehensive multi-modal transportation planning

Funding has also been provided to continue the growth initiatives begun in the FY 2017 budget, which total $6.0 million and 49.0 positions, and include:

  • Expanding Arlington Tech at the Career Center
  • Central Registration
  • Student and instructional support in order to provide specific, targeted support to students and instructional staff
  • Safety and security needs for school buildings
  • Infrastructure and support needed in order to provide central support to students and staff

In order to address the budget shortfall in FY 2018, savings and efficiencies found include:

  • Adjusting the salary base for current and on board employees
  • Reviewing current departmental budgets to realign funding in order to continue current service levels or reduce programs that are no longer functioning as intended
  • Reducing the technology budget by $1.8 million
  • Reducing the Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) contribution based on actuarial valuation
  • Reducing a vacant School Board Office Administrative Assistant position

Budget Development

FY 2018 School Board’s Adopted Budget

FY 2018 School Board’s Proposed Budget

April 7, 2017

April 6, 2017

FY 2018 Superintendent’s Proposed Budget

February 23, 2017

Budget Questions
Budget Work Sessions
February 23, 2017 Budget Work Session #1 Agenda/Materials
February 28, 2017 Budget Work Session #2 Agenda/Materials
March 15, 2017 Budget Work Session #3 Agenda/Materials
March 21, 2017 Budget Work Session #4 Agenda/Materials
Key Stakeholders Meetings
December 12, 2016 Education Center Room 101A Presentation Notes
January 17, 2017 Wakefield High School Cafeteria Presentation Notes
Community Budget Forums
November 30, 2016
Joint Schools and County
Wakefield High School Cafeteria Schools Presentation County Presentation
December 13, 2016 Education Center Room 101A Presentation Notes
December 20, 2016 Spanish Jefferson Middle School Library Presentation Notes
Sounding Boards
December 8, 2016 Claremont Elementary School Notes
December 15, 2015 Wakefield High School Notes

Previous Years’ Budgets