Language Services

Language services refer to free written language translation and free oral interpretation. APS values the importance of communication between parents and schools. We want parents and students to know about and fully understand the educational opportunities that Arlington offers and to benefit from them.

About Interpretation and Translation Services

The Arlington Public Schools provides written language translation and oral interpretation services from and into English and the five main languages of the schools: Arabic, Amharic, Bengali, Mongolian and Spanish. These services are customarily provided during the following events: Interpretation services for

  • Parent-teacher conferences
  • Special education conferences
  • School meetings
  • Other school functions, including Translation Services for the District’s Senior Staff and Administrators, Professional Development for school interpreters and translators, Publication of English-Spanish resources for translators and interpreters, Management of Demographic and Statistical data, and production of the “Survey of Limited English Proficient Students”.
  • Translation and interpretation are also offered during small Parent – Teacher meetings. The purpose for offering language services is to facilitate and increase meaningful communication and access to school programs, curriculum, activities, and educational opportunities.

In addition, the LSRC will make every effort to provide services in any language requested.

Who Can Use the APS Language Services?

Interpretation and translation are available free of cost to APS parents, staff, and students, who may request services directly from the LSRC by telephone, fax, email, or in person. Students who are less than 18 years of age must request services through a parent or teacher.

How Can APS Parents Access Language Services?

Parents may access language services for school related purposes in any of the following ways. Ask at the School Office Ask your child’s teacher Ask the Bilingual Family Resource Assistant at the local school. Call the LSRC at 703-228-7663 between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays. E-mail your request to At the LSRC, Language Access cards are provided to parents, so that they can request services, even if they cannot communicate their need for services in English.

How Can APS Staff Access Language Services?

APS staff can access translation and interpretation services for school related purposes by any of the following means. Call the LSRC at 703-228-8048 or 7663. Send a fax to 703-228-7205 (Attention: Translations) For Parent Teacher Conferences, submit your requests to your school’s ESOL/HILT Lead Teacher. Send an email to; Ask in person at the LSRC. Send a written request via In-School Mail to Clarendon Education Center – LSRC- Translations.

How Can Students Access Language Services?

Students may request interpretation and translation services for school related purposes by asking a teacher, school staff member, or their parents to request services for them.

How Long Does it Take to Receive Language Services?

Staff, parents, and students who request services should make requests as early as possible. The LSRC will make every effort to locate and place services within 48 hours. In case of emergencies, the service will be provided as soon as possible.

Who are the language service providers?

Some school based staff, like the school’s Bilingual Family Resource Assistant, provide interpretation and translation services in their own schools. The LSRC provides interpretation and translation services for schools, upon request. Some language service providers are APS employees, while others are free-lance providers.

How can I work as a language services provider in APS?

The LSRC is always looking for bilingual individuals with excellent language skills. Contact the LSRC if you can speak, read, or write two languages fluently, or if you know someone who may qualify as a language service provider.