School Board Advisory Councils and Committees

The School Board actively seeks the advice of community members through a wide range of committees and councils on issues or policies related to the successful operation of the school system. The School Board believes that this feedback strengthens Arlington Public Schools and helps the division achieve its vision.  Arlington Public Schools solicits committee input and feedback on the instructional and support programs, facilities, and operations of the division.

  • Some committees have additional governance at the local, state, or national levels. This special governance is referenced in the References section of the policy.
  • The School Board seeks a diverse representation of the Arlington Public Schools community on committees, including student members.
  • The establishment or elimination of committees occurs only by an affirmative vote of the School Board. Committees may be established, as needed, to advise Arlington Public Schools on all aspects of its instructional and support programs, facilities, and operations.

In accordance to policy: Policy B-3.6.30 School Board Advisory Committees

Please fill out the School Board Advisory Committee Application to apply for an appointment in any of the groups listed below.

Advisory Council on Teaching & Learning (ACTL)

The Advisory Council on Teaching & Learning (Council) assists in the continuous systematic review of various aspects of the teaching and learning program and in the development of recommendations for instructional improvement. The Council reports findings, develops recommendations to address findings, and provides feedback on initiatives to improve instruction. The Council uses the Strategic Plan and Program Evaluations to focus its work. The Council consists of appointees from PTAs and Board selected community groups. These appointees are not subject to Arlington School Board approval. School Board-appointed subjects are advisory committees support the work of the Council. The Council’s work includes:

    1. Reviewing and making recommendations to improve policies and policy implementation procedures, curriculum content, curriculum delivery, and student outcomes;
    2. Making recommendations for and providing input into the development of new programs and practices;
    3. Assisting the School Board in providing the community with information concerning academic programs; and
    4. Reviewing instructional topics from time to time as determined by the School Board

Policy Implementation Procedure B-3.6.30 PIP-1 ACTL Council

Chair: Jenny Roahen Rizzo

Advisory Council on Teaching & Learning (ACTL) Subcommittees

The Advisory Council on Teaching and Learning Subcommittees (subcommittees) support the work of the Advisory Council on Teaching and Learning (Council) by assisting the Council with executing its charge in the area of focus of the subcommittee. Subcommittees work with Council leadership and staff liaisons to establish annual priorities, areas of focus, and deliverables. Subcommittee deliverables from year to year may include but are not limited to findings, recommendations to address findings, annual reports, and other work products. Each subcommittee is charged with:

    • Advocating for the content and/or program area,
    • Reviewing instructional components and materials
    • Reviewing content/program area-specific student performance data as needed, and
    • Making recommendations in support of improvements to the instructional program that positively impact student achievement and staffs’ development.

Each subcommittee also looks at industry trends, career pathways in relation to Arlington Public Schools course offerings, teacher professional development, and teacher retention. Some subcommittees may have additional responsibilities or guidelines they must meet according to state and federal law.

Policy Implementation Procedures B-3.6.30 PIP-2 ACTL Subcommittees

Arlington Special Education Advisory Committee (ASEAC)

The Arlington Special Education Advisory Committee (ASEAC) is the local advisory committee for special education, establish per the Virginia Administrative Code 8VAC20-81-230(D) and codified in School Board Policy B-3.6.30. In accordance with Virginia Administrative Code 8VAC20-81-230(D) and School Board Policy B-3.6.30, ASEAC’s functions shall be as follows:

    1. Advise the local school division of needs in the education of students with disabilities;
    2. Participate in the development of priorities and strategies for meeting the identified needs of students with disabilities;
    3. Submit periodic reports and recommendations regarding the education of students with disabilities to the division superintendent for transmission to the School Board;
    4. Assist Arlington Public Schools in interpreting plans to the community for meeting the special needs of students and children with disabilities for educational services;
    5. Review the policies and procedures for the provision of special education and related services prior to submission to the local school board; and
    6. Participate in the review of the local school division’s annual plan, as outlined in subdivision B 2 of 8 VAC 20-81-230.

ASEAC participates in the ACTL process as a subcommittee for matters relating to the education of students with disabilities.

Chair: Kathy Pericak

Policy Implementation Procedure B3.6.30 PIP5 Arlington Special Education Advisory Committee

School Health Advisory Board (SHAB)

The School Health Advisory Board (SHAB) is Arlington Public Schools’ school health advisory board established per the Code of Virginia §22.1-275.1. SHAB assists with the development of health policy in the school division and the evaluation of the status of school health, health education, the school environment, and health services. SHAB annually reports on the status and needs of student health in the school division to any relevant school, the Arlington School Board, the Virginia Department of Health, and the Virginia Department of Education. The School Board may request that SHAB recommend to the School Board procedures relating to children with acute or chronic illnesses or conditions, including, but not limited to, appropriate emergency procedures for any life-threatening conditions and designation of school personnel to implement the appropriate emergency procedures. The procedures relating to children with acute or chronic illnesses or conditions shall be developed with due consideration of the size and staffing of the schools within the jurisdiction. SHAB participates in the Advisory Council on Teaching and Learning process as a subcommittee for matters relating to health education.

Chair: Desiree Jaworski

Policy Implementation Procedure B3.6.30 PIP4 School Health Advisory Board

Budget Advisory Council

The Budget Advisory Council (BAC) advises Arlington Public Schools on fiscal integrity, public confidence, and wise stewardship of taxpayer resources. The BAC makes recommendations on policies and practices related to the presentation and preparation of the operating budget and the financial management of the school system; makes recommendations to the Arlington School Board on budget priorities; advises on the degree to which the Superintendent’s Proposed Budget supports best fiscal practices and the School Board’s priorities; assists in educating the community about the budgeting process; and provides, upon the Board’s request, study and recommendations on special topics or issues.

Chair: Erik Sullivan

Policy Implementation Procedures B3.6.30 PIP6 Budget Advisory Council

Advisory Council on School Facilities and Capital Programs

Advisory Council on School Facilities and Capital Programs (FAC) assists the School Board in the continuous, systematic review of school facilities and the capital improvement program by: making recommendations to the School Board on the biannual school facilities and student accommodation plan, which informs the ten-year capital improvement plan and recommendations for funding thereon; providing, upon request, recommendations to the School Board on specific issues; providing advice on areas identified by the Council regarding the capital program; assisting the School Board in providing the community with information concerning school facilities and the capital improvement program; receiving and integrating input from the community concerning school facilities and the capital improvement program, and receiving and integrating input from Building Level Planning Committees.

Chair: Rosa Cheney

Policy Implementation Procedure B-3.6.30 PIP-3 Facilities Advisory Committee

Student Advisory Board

The Student Advisory Board is established to provide a channel of communication between the School Board and the students of the Arlington Public Schools with the hope that mutual concerns might be better solved through greater understanding of the views and responsibilities of students and the School Board.

Chair: Oliver Andress

Staff Liaison: Jeannette Allen, Director of Secondary Curriculum

Joint County Board and School Board Advisory Committees

Joint Arlington School Board and Arlington County Board Committees are governed according to the bylaws established for the committee.  The following joint committees have been established.

Advisory Committee on Transportation Choices (ACTC)

The jointly chartered and appointed by the Arlington County Board and the Arlington School Board for the purpose of advising the Joint Committee on Transportation Choices, which will develop and implement programs that further transportation choices for Arlington Public Schools students, families, and staff. The mission of the Advisory Committee on Transportation Choices is to advise the Joint Committee on Transportation Choices on strategies and plans of action that will develop and promote those transportation choices

Chair: Josh Folb

Arlington Partnership for Children, Youth & Families (APCYF)

The commission is an advisory body jointly chartered and appointed by the Arlington County Board and the Arlington School Board. The mission of the APCYF is to improve the health, well-being, and safety of children, youth, and families in Arlington through researching young people’s needs, advocating for improved policies and programs to meet those needs, and engaging all members of our community as part of the solution. The APCYF identifies community needs through research and surveys, engages the community to find ways to meet the needs, and advocates for improved policies and programs.

More information on APCYF.

Joint Facilities Advisory Commission (JFAC)

The JFAC is to provide input to the Boards on capital facilities needs assessment, capital improvement plans and long-range facility planning for both the Arlington County Government (the “County”) and Arlington Public Schools (“APS”).

The County and APS will each develop their own capital facilities needs assessments and capital improvement plans over the course of a two-year cycle. The capital facilities needs assessments are comprehensive reviews of the current facility capacity for County and APS services and projected service demand that will affect facility capacity. The County’s needs assessment report is the Arlington Capital Facilities Needs Assessment, and APS’ needs assessment report is the Arlington Facilities and Student Accommodation Plan. These reports are presented one year in advance of the adoption of the capital improvement plans. The County and APS capital improvement plans (CIPs) identify capital projects, their timing, and their funding sources over a ten-year period – and represent a prioritization of the projected service demands included in the needs assessment reports

Chair: Stacy Snyder

Vice Chair: Wells Harrell

The School Board is also advised by several non-Instructional Advisory Committees, including:

  • Ad Hoc Committees and Tasks Forces
  • Building Level Planning Committees
  • Special Education Parent Resource Center – Parent Liaison Group

More information on all Arlington Public Schools Advisory Committees


To apply to any of the groups above, please fill out the School Board Advisory Committee Application.