Letters from PTAs

School Board Adopts Superintendent’s Recommendation to Move SchoolsFeb.7, 2020

Letters/Emails from PTAs to the School Board

Arlington Science Focus (Jan. 16, 2020)

Ashlawn PTA Letter (Dec. 9, 2019)

Barrett PTA Letter (Nov. 22, 2019)

Discovery PTA Letter

Jamestown PTA Letter (Jan. 26, 2020)

Taylor PTA Letter (Feb. 5, 2020)

Tuckahoe PTA Email (Jan.13, 2020)

Joint PTA Letter from the ATS, Campbell, Carlin Springs, Hoffman-Boston, Key, McKinley PTAs (Dec. 2, 2019)

Questions from PTAs and APS Responses

ATS PTA Letter Nov. 13, 2019 | APS Response to ATS PTA Letter

Campbell PTA Letter Nov. 5, 2019APS Response to Campbell PTA Letter

Key PTA Letter Nov. 25, 2019 |  APS Response to Key PTA Letter

McKinley PTA Letter  Nov. 6, 2019APS Response to McKinley PTA Letter