Social-Emotional Learning

“Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is the educational process that leads to the development of emotional intelligence – that is, the process by which we become better at understanding and managing our emotions AND learning how they impact the choices we make, the relationships we have and our outlook in life. It refers to the acquisition of the understandings and specific skills that are at the heart of a child’s academic, personal, social and civic development.”            (Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning)

Core Components/Domains

  • Joint Attention
  • Casual Interaction Skills
  • Play/Leisure Skills
  • Self-Regulation Skills
  • Conversational Skills
  • Perspective-Taking Skills
  • Social Problem Solving/Critical Thinking Skills
  • Friendship Skills
  • Life Skills

 Strategies for Teaching Social-Emotional Skills

  • Utilize peer-mediated strategies, such as cooperative learning, peer assisted learning, modeling and reinforcement.
  • Teach and utilize self-mediated interventions, such as self-evaluation, goal-setting and self-monitoring.
  • Utilize evidence-based strategies designed to address specific needs of each learner. See below for some examples:
    • Video-modeling
    • Positive behavioral supports
    • Social Skills Training
    • Antecedent-Based Interventions
    • Social Narratives
    • Computer-Aided Instruction
    • Task Analysis
    • Peer-assisted learning and self-management
    • Visual Supports for social understanding, behavioral expectations and school routines
  • Implement systems that provide acknowledgement and feedback to students regarding their social-emotional skills, such as:
    • Role-Playing
    • Scripting and Rehearsal
    • Behavior Mapping
    • Conferencing/CICO systems (Check In, Check Out)
  • Utilize students’ strengths and interests to teach and reinforce the acquisition of social-emotional skills
  • Utilize specific curricula designed to teach social-emotional learning
  • Embed instruction throughout the school day, to promote and reinforce generalization of skills

Internet Resources

Additional Resources

  • APS Social Skills Inventory
  • Fonseca, C. (2010). Emotional Intensity in Gifted Children: Helping Kids Cope with Explosive Feelings. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.