Gifted Services

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Gifted Services within Arlington Public School is guided by the 2022-2027 APS Gifted Services Local Plan Final.

Arlington Public Schools is dedicated to maximizing the strengths and potential of all students so they may become self-confident, well-rounded, responsible and productive citizens.

Believing that each and every individual has merit, Arlington Public Schools recognizes that certain learners within the school population have unique abilities, interests, needs and potential for accomplishment. Gifted students need opportunities to think abstractly, work at various rates and levels of complexity, and pursue tasks independently. In addition, students eligible for gifted services need opportunities to learn with others of like abilities, as well as opportunities to develop socio-emotional .

Gifted services are implemented through school-based and countywide activities, which comply with School Board and State objectives.  School-based services are delivered in the following ways:

  • According to a collaborative resource model in which the classroom teacher works with the resource teacher for the gifted to develop and present appropriately differentiated learning experiences for gifted students within the general education classroom
  • In the general education classroom setting with identified students cluster-grouped (minimum of 10) and through a variety of flexible groupings based on ongoing data
  • With teachers who are specifically trained in instructional needs of and curriculum written for gifted students
  • Through curricula which are differentiated or extended from concepts in the general education curriculum, and when appropriate, through opportunities for acceleration and extension

To learn more about the general education curricula, explore the Program of Studies.

The Gifted Services Office and the Arts Education Office offer a variety of enrichment experiences for gifted students. These experiences are designed to extend school-based activities and develop student interests. Opportunities include the following:


  • Elementary Honors Chorus, 4-5, sponsored by Arts Education Office
  • Junior Honors Band, 4-6, sponsored by Arts Education Office
  • Junior Honors Orchestra, 4-6, sponsored by Arts Education Office

Middle School

  • Middle School Academic Hallmarks, 6-8, sponsored by Arts Education Office
  • Junior Honors Band, 4-6 and Honors Band, 7-8, sponsored by Arts Education Office
  • Junior Honors Orchestra, 4-6 and Honors Band, 7-8, sponsored by Arts Education Office

Secondary/High Schools

  • Advanced Placement Classes, 9-12, available at all APS high schools
  • Regional Governor’s School for the Gifted, Thomas Jefferson HS for Science and Technology, 9-12
  • High School Independent Study, 10-12
  • International Baccalaureate Classes, 10-12, available at Washington-Lee High School
  • Fine Arts Apprentice Program, 10-12, sponsored by Arts Education Office
  • Summer Residential Governor’s School for the Gifted in Academic/Mentorships and Visual/Performing Arts, rising 11 and rising 12
  • Governor’s Foreign Language Academies, rising 11 and rising 12
  • PRIME Program, rising 11 and rising 12, sponsored by the Career Center

Gifted services information is disseminated to parents and the general public through the following:

  • Fall Gifted Services Information Meetings at each school
  • Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences, fall and spring
  • Differentiation Forms and/or Emails each quarter
  • Individual RTG School Emails and/or Newsletters
  • @APSGifted Twitter account and by individual RTG Twitter accounts

Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact their school’s Resource Teacher for the Gifted and/or principal for specific information about their child’s school.


Published December 31, 69 5:00PM