Registering Your Child

Neighborhood Schools

Every student is guaranteed a space in the neighborhood school designated by their home address. Use the School Boundary (Attendance Zone) Locator to find your school.

Students new to APS need to complete the following registration process.

Option Schools and Programs

Option schools and programs offer specialized instruction. Arlington Public Schools provides students the opportunity to attend an option school/program as an alternative to attending their designated neighborhood school. Interested students must complete an online application during a specific time period. If more applications are received than there are seats available, a lottery is held to determine admission. Learn about option schools and the application/lottery process.

Video Presentations and Information Sessions

Registration options:

  1. Online. (Requires uploading documents and setting up a virtual or in-person meeting with an APS Registrar.)
  2. At your neighborhood school. Contact the school to schedule an appointment or to submit registration documents.
  3. At the APS Welcome Center (2110 Washington Blvd., 1st floor), Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call 703-228-8000 (select option 3 – Registration) or email to schedule an appointment.

Age Requirements

  • Registration for Kindergarten to 12th grade is available for children who are between ages 5 and 18 on Sept. 30 of the current school year.
  • Students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and English Learners may be eligible for school until age 22.
  • Limited services are available for students over 18.  Contact the Welcome Center at 703-228-8000 or for more information.


  • Children who turn five years old on or by September 30th of the current school year may enter kindergarten.
  • Kindergarten is recommended, but not required by law.
  • Families that choose not to enroll their student in Kindergarten must inform the Office of Elementary Education and Early Childhood Pre-K Programs in writing (Send correspondence to: 2110 Washington Blvd., Arlington, VA 22204 or
  • Virginia Law requires all children who will turn six years old by Sept. 30 to enroll in school.

Additional Registration Information

  • APS does not register students who have terminal diplomas.
  • Registration begins Feb. 1 for the following school year.
  • There is no deadline for registration; however, parents are encouraged to register early.
  • All registration and health requirements must be met for a child to be enrolled.

Special Circumstances

Contact 703-228-8000 (option 3) or prior to registration if:

  • Enrolling a child for whom you are not the Parent or Legal Guardian (Kinship Care)
  • Student is an unaccompanied minor
  • Student is being placed by Social Services
  • Student is 18 or over

Complex Living Situations

If you are student or family experiencing homelessness or are unstably housed, please contact Project Extra Step at 703-228-6046 or or contact Barbara Fisher, Homeless Liaison, at 703-228-2585.

HOW TO REGISTER YOUR CHILD (Watch a short video in English or Spanish):

STEP 1: Complete and submit an APS Student Registration Form English | Spanish

STEP 2: Collect and submit the following documents (Download a checklist English | Spanish)

Proof of Arlington County Residency (OPTION 1 OR OPTION 2) AND TWO different supporting documents

Parents/legal guardians are required to show proof that they live with their child in Arlington County.

OPTION 1: If a family owns or rents property, ONE of the following documents must be provided:

  • Deed showing that the student’s parents/legal guardians own the property in Arlington.
  • Current lease agreement signed by the lessor and lessee or tenant and landlord.
  • Settlement documentation from a new home purchase if the deed has not been recorded.

OPTION 2: If a family lives in the residence of someone else (shared housing), THREE documents must be provided:

  1. Residency Form A (English) (Spanish) – Parent/Legal Guardian Residency Affidavit.
  2. Residency Form B (English) (Spanish) – Statement of Arlington Resident Affidavit.
  3. A deed or lease agreement.

TWO different supporting documents that include the parent’s/legal guardians name and address:

  • Current federal, state or property tax return
  • Current payroll or withholding statement
  • Vehicle registration
  • 1 current utility bill (Gas, Electric, Water) Note: Must provide one more supporting document that is not a utility bill.
  • Valid Virginia driver’s license with current address
  • Financial assistance documentation from Arlington County

Proof of Student’s Age and Legal Name (ONE of the following documents)

  • An original birth certificate or certified copy translated in English, if necessary.
  • If the birth certificate is not available, families can submit a Proof of Student Identity and Age Affidavit (English) (Spanish).
    • The affidavit is valid for 30 days and requires additional supporting documents such as the child’s passport.

Proof of Parent Identity and Relationship to Student (ONE of the following documents)

  • Any valid Government Issued Photo Identification
  • Driver’s License
  • Passport

Additional Education Documents

If registering for Kindergarten, complete the Pre-K Experience Form English | Spanish

If applicable:

  • Current Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan
  • English Learner or Gifted records
  • School records or official transcripts from the previous school attended


Must be submitted on a Commonwealth of Virginia School Entrance Health Form (English | Spanish)

All New Students (Pre-K to 12th):

  • *Immunization Records
  • **Tuberculosis (TB) test or screening done within 12 months prior to starting school.

Only New Elementary Students (Pre-K to 5th):

  • Physical Examination done within 12 months prior to starting school.

Rising 7th Graders:

  • Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (Tdap) booster
  • First dose of Meningococcal (MenACWY)
  • ***First dose of HPV vaccine

Rising 12th Graders:

*The immunization record should list the month, day and year of immunization for the minimum requirements for entry to school. See the Virginia Department of Health School Minimum Immunization Requirements (English | Spanish).**Original Tuberculosis test or screening documentation must be submitted and:

  1. be signed by a physician, nurse practitioner, registered nurse, or local health department official.
  2. include verification of a negative risk assessment or the results of a tuberculin skin test (TST) done within the prior 12 months.

***Parents may “opt out” of the HPV requirement by simply not getting the vaccine. No letter or certification of “opt out” status is required.

SPORTS – Students planning to participate in high school sports must complete a VHSL physical form for high school athletic eligibility and APS Athletic Participation Agreement.

MEDICATIONS – If your child will need medications or special procedures during school, visit Arlington County School Health for additional forms (Medication Authorization Form, Severe Allergy Care Plan, etc.).

QUESTIONS – Please reach out to your School Health Clinic Staff  for any questions about requirements for individual students or for support in making an appointment for a student to receive required vaccines through Arlington County’s Immunization Clinic: Immunization Clinic – Official Website of Arlington County Virginia Government (

Option Schools & Neighborhood Transfers

Arlington Public Schools provides families the opportunity to apply to an option school or request a transfer to a neighborhood school that is accepting transfers.  The Superintendent’s Annual Update to the School Board, held in January, will identify the number of seats available during the following school year for neighborhood schools that can accept transfers.  Visit the School Options & Transfers page to learn more and how to apply if interested.

For additional information or questions, contact the APS Welcome Center at 703-228-8000 (option 3) or