Special Education Review Committee (SERC)

The Special Education Review Committee (SERC) provides an impartial forum in which to consider student needs and available resources. The process of SERC is consistent with the spirit of the reauthorization of the IDEA as it encourages the early resolution of disputes. It is meant to supplement, not supplant, IDEA procedures such as state mediation or due process. Staff or parents may refer concerns about a student identified with disabilities or some other aspect of the special education process to SERC. The purpose of SERC is to support the Office of Special Education in providing a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to students with disabilities.

The following steps comprise the SERC process. The process begins with the completion of a referral form, available from special education coordinators. Referrals for SERC should be submitted to the Supervisor of Special Education.

• Membership of the SERC team is based on the nature of the concern(s). The Supervisor will act as the chairperson for the SERC meeting. In addition to the Supervisor, and the ad hoc members of SERC, the parent/guardian(s) of the student and representatives of the school-based IEP team will be invited to attend the meeting.

• The Supervisor will set a date and time for the SERC meeting, and notify the family and school.

Note: Unlike school-based teams, SERC draws membership from across the division, and therefore, scheduling options are more limited. If either parents or the IEP team representatives are unable to attend, the SERC meeting will be rescheduled or cancelled.

• Prior to the SERC meeting, members will review the written referral and submitted information and/or observe the student, if appropriate to the referral concern.

• At the SERC meeting, the requesting party will be asked to present the concern. In situations where there is disagreement between the school and family, the non-requesting party will have an opportunity to present and respond to the concerns.

• SERC members will explore the concerns collaboratively with the IEP team and family.

• The chair person will summarize the meeting in a written memo which includes recommendations to the IEP team.

For more information about the SERC process, please contact the special education coordinator for your building.