Internet Safety

Today’s students have unprecedented access to resources that will enhance learning, research, communications, exploration of new ideas and expressions of creativity. Unfortunately, this remarkable resource has become susceptible to abuse that often targets young people. All student K – 12 receive lessons annually to enhance their knowledge of internet safety and digital citizenship.


Behave Responsibly and Respectfully

All students should:

  • Be respectful and appropriate in comments and in written text while using the device.
  • Log into their personal account(s) and only use their assigned devices.
  • Be sure not to share their personal log-in with anyone else.
  • Use pictures and videos, whether captured on the device or downloaded, only to benefit learning.
  • Use lock screen and wallpaper images that are appropriate.
  • Understand that each device is the property of APS and is intended for use only by the student to whom it is assigned.

Distribution of inappropriate images, videos, and files, whether captured on the device or downloaded, is prohibited. Student devices may be inspected at any time by APS personnel. If inappropriate content is found on the device, it will be deleted and disciplinary action may be taken by school administrators.

Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety

APS has a curriculum for students at all grades, beginning in kindergarten, to help them learn how to be responsible, ethical, and safe citizens online. This curriculum was initially developed with input from families, teachers and the APS Digital Learning Steering Committee. The curriculum has been adapted from the work of Common Sense Media. Schools will ensure that their students receive the curriculum identified for their grade level and will decide who is best positioned to deliver this content. While not every teacher may be delivering the content, all teachers must understand what is in the curriculum so that the concepts can be continually integrated into daily instruction. Students must understand that digital citizenship and internet safety is an important part of the fabric of each school. Families are encouraged to explore these topics together at home. For more information about Common Sense Media, visit More information about the APS Digital Citizenship Curriculum can be found online at 

APS Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

Every student must sign the Acceptable Use Policy at the start of each school year. At the elementary level, teachers have a summary of the agreements on a poster for all students in the class to sign following a discussion of its content. The poster should remain on the classroom wall for the entire year for easy reference. At the middle and high school levels, studentsare asked to electronically sign the AUP after completing the internet Safety/Digital Citizenship curriculum. All teachers are responsible for ensuring that their students have signed the AUP. The AUP, School Board Policy Electronic Technologies Acceptable Use I-, can be found on the APS website at