Partnering with APS

Overview: APS currently has over 500 business, non-profit,  civic or government partnerships.  Our partnerships bring business and professional people into the schools to work directly with students, teachers and administrators on projects targeted at improving student achievement.  Along with the benefits to students, a partnership can fulfill the partners’ organizational goals of actively participating in the local community, and can bring goodwill to the participating organization.   Likewise, members of the organization who volunteer as tutors, mentors, Lunch Buddies and career mentors gain a sense of satisfaction that comes from being a part of something bigger.  APS has three types of partners: 

  1. Resource Partners provide space, gift certificates, incentive prizes, financial or in-kind donations.
  2. Service Partners provide mentors, tutors, guest speakers, workshops, internship opportunities and/or job shadowing opportunities.
  3. Strategic Partners have taken an extra step to ensure the life of the partnership by creating a partnership agreement with goals and outcomes that support both the APS Strategic Plan and the partner’s organizational goals. Strategic partners are resource and/or service partners as well.

Partnering with APS can be very rewarding for you and for your business or organization.

Ideas to get Involved:

  • Sponsor an after school club.
  • Provide guest speakers.
  • Provide shadowing experiences for students.
  • Provide tutors or mentors for students.
  • Provide incentives for students to stay in school.
  • Donate materials/supplies to schools.
  • Sponsor educational field trips.
  • Display student work or notices of school events.
  • Provide space for school training, meetings, or events.

You should work directly with the school on a partnership agreement to ensure a long and equally beneficial partnership.