Middle School Boundary Change

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Middle School Boundary Changes are effective Sept. 2019

Use the boundary locator to check school assignments. For information about APS Middle Schools, visit their websites!

School Board Approves Superintendent’s Recommendation for Middle School Boundary Changes

On Dec. 14, 2017 the School Approved Updated Option A.v2.  The Boundary Change will be in effect starting in School Year 2019-2020.

  • By February 2018, families impacted by the boundary change will be notified by mail.
  • All 6th-8th graders will attend their newly assigned schools in Sept. 2019.

Read the full news release here.

Click here for staff recommendation for middle school boundary changes.

Why is APS changing Middle School Boundaries?

The new middle school, Dorothy Hamm, is opening in 2019 at the Stratford site (currently the site of HB Woodlawn and Stratford program). Boundaries will be changed to:

  • Create a boundary for Dorothy Hamm
  • Relieve crowding at some schools, notably Swanson and Williamsburg
  • Balance enrollment among all six middle schools.

 Who will be impacted?

Students currently in grades 4, 5 and 6. In 2019, when the boundary takes effect, these students will be entering grades 6, 7 and 8.

How can I participate and what is the timeline?

There will be a series of online and in-person opportunities for engagement. 

 Meeting/Event Date Time Location
“Getting Started” meetings** *Oct. 2 (Livestreamed) 7 – 9 p.m. Yorktown H.S.
 Oct. 4 7 – 9 p.m. Kenmore M.S.
Online form to gather input  Oct. 2 – 18

Getting Started Meeting for Middle School Boundary Changes

Spanish Meeting – Middle School Boundary Changes  Oct. 24 7 – 8:30 p.m. Kenmore M.S. Rooms 90  & 91
“What We Heard” meetings** *Oct. 25 7 – 9 p.m.. Yorktown H.S.
 Oct. 26 7 – 9 p.m.. Wakefield H.S.
Online form to gather input  Oct. 26 – Nov. 3
Superintendent’s Recommendation(s) to School Board  Nov. 14
Public Hearing  Nov. 30 6:30 p.m. School Board
School Board Action  Dec. 14

*Event will be livestreamed.  **Simultaneous translation available.

How will my input be used?

The community will be asked to provide input on the draft boundary change proposals. After the “Getting Started” meetings, staff will review community input for consideration when developing a second round of proposals. The proposals will shape the Superintendent’s recommendation to the School Board.

Boundary change input received at Engagement Saturday 9/23/17.