Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for FY 2021 and Future CIPs

Overview | Timeline | Resources |

School Board’s Adopted FY 2021 Capital Improvement Report

Adopted June 25, 2020


Architect's drawing of New Elementary School at Reed Building
Architect’s drawing of
New Elementary School at Reed

Every two years, the School Board adopts a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that addresses APS capital needs—investments needed to improve or enhance the infrastructure of our schools—over the next ten years. The CIP includes major capital projects, such as new schools and school additions, as well as major maintenance and minor construction projects.

In response to the uncertain environment and economic and operational challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Arlington Public Schools (APS) approach to the FY 2021 CIP process aligns with that of the County by addressing only essential capital needs in a one-year CIP, following it with a longer-term interim CIP in Spring 2021. This departure from the typical 10-year CIP allows us to use limited resources effectively to add capacity, maintain and improve existing facilities, and continue to plan for safe, healthy and supportive learning environments in which our students can learn and thrive. In adopting the FY 2021 CIP, the School Board directed Superintendent Dr. Francisco Durán to prepare a four-to-six-year Interim FY 2022 CIP that continues to plan for future enrollment growth and facility needs.


The FY 2021 Capital Improvement Report  includes the School Board’s motion to adopt the FY 2021 CIP (see Appendix A) and a table that provides an overview of every approved CIP project, their cost, and bond issuance timeline (see page 8) 



Design Studies Requested by School Board on December 6, 2019: