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Career Center Working Group: Follow the Journey

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Read the Final Career Center Working Group Report


Presentation of the Final Report from the Career Center Working Group to the School Board (Oct. 4, 2018)

  • Read the CCWG Final Report Presentation to the School Board here.
  • Watch the presentation here (starts at 1:09:46)

Presentation of the Final Report from the Career Center Working Group to the County Board (Oct. 23, 2018)

  • The presentation will be at 6 p.m. in the Bozman Government Center (2110 Clarendon Blvd).
  • The presentation will also be livestreamed. To view, go to the main County Board Page  and click here. When the County Board meeting starts, a new link will become available to view “live video”.

Para más información por favor haga clic aquí.


On June 30, 2017, the School Board approved the creation of 1300 new high school seats, of which 700-800+ would be located on the Career Center site. The Career Center Working Group (CCWG) is charged with developing a plan that defines how APS can open 700‐800+ additional seats to the Career Center facility by 2022, within funding already approved by the School Board. Also, the CCWG will provide options for optimizing future development of public facilities within the study area through a phased development plan. Part of their work is to “think big” and imagine what’s possible.

Examples of how high schools in other high density areas use building space.

Starting in January 2018, members of the Career Center Working Group have met bi-weekly to create a long-term vision for the Career Center site. This process has involved presentations, discussions and group exercises on topics including: APS capacity and instructional needs, urban high school designs and open spaces, the Columbia Pike library and revitalization efforts on Columbia Pike, and exploring options for optimizing the site. Below is a chronological overview of the journey to date.

Site tour – January 20th

Working Group members toured the study area,



The tour included a guided tour of the Career Center by Principal Chung and two Assistant Principals of of Arlington Community High School by Principal Thompson.








January 22 Meeting

The Working Group received several presentations about APS capacity needs, the Career Center program and facilities, and Columbia Pike Planning Context, Adopted Vision, and Current Revitalization Efforts.  Read the full meeting notes here.

January 29 Meeting

The Department of Teaching and Learning presented on the Profile of a VA Graduate and design examples of high schools in high density zones. After the presentations, Working Group members took time to comment on aspects of the design comments. Read the full meeting notes here.

Mtg2a[2] Mtg2b[2]

February 21 Meeting

Presentations were made about the CIP, Columbia Pike Library and the Black Heritage Museum of Arlington.

February 26 Meeting

Presentations were made about Neighborhood High School Facilities and Amenities and HS Development Options. Working Group members also participated in an exercise to begin defining how to optimize the site.

March 10 Meeting

Topics presented included potential walk zones for the Career Center,Transportation Planning, and  Open Spaces/Parks.

March 19 Meeting

Presentations were given on the updated High School projections and defining long-term vision for the Career Center campus. The Working Group did not discuss principles during this meeting.

April 12 Meeting

The meeting was organized by small group activities focused on a report from the library subcommittee, discussions about guiding principles and field spaces and a hands-on modelling exercise.

April 23 Meeting

Topics at this meeting were: an overview of the Montessori program; a debrief of the joint work session and an update on CCWG milestones.

April 30 Meeting

Topics included update on CCWG schedule, phasing, and examples of phased APS projects.

May 17 Meeting

The meeting featured a presentation on the Library_Subcommittee_Final_Report  and a presentation and group exercises regarding Field Space and Athletics .

May 21 Meeting

The meeting was primarily a group discussion about the site and had presentations on the Summer 2018 Interior Modifications and Sequencing and Phasing.

June 13 Meeting

The Working Group continued to discuss phasing and the number of high school students that could ultimately be accommodated on the site.

June 18 Meeting

Reviewed the current draft of the Guiding Principles that have evolved throughout the process and reviewed two documents (1 & 2) on the progress of the work to date.

June 25 Meeting

APS and County staff provided a joint presentation on Transportation and CCWG discussed key questions about parking and site circulation.

July 23 Meeting

Discussion about the Draft Outline for the CCWG Report and Guiding Principles

August 6 Meeting

Working Group reviewed internal draft of the sections of the final report.

August 13 Meeting

Working Group reviewed internal draft of the sections of the final report.

August 20 Meeting (additional review meeting)