Password reset for rising 9th graders

What’s happening?

Passwords will be reset for all rising 9th graders

When is it happening?

  • Students not attending summer school – Wednesday, July 31, 2019
  • Students attending summer school – Monday, August 12, 2019

How will this impact students?

Rising 9th graders will not be able to log into their APS accounts until they reset their password.

What do students need to do? 

Rising 9th graders will receive their new password with their new device from their school. They should immediately change their password.

Why is the change occurring?

Resetting rising 9th grader passwords is necessary to ensure the devices are fully configured and ready for the students. Technical staff will be logging into the student devices to complete the device configuration, this requires resetting the password to a temporary password which will be changed by the student.

Additional information:

  • This change is part of ongoing efforts to improve the operation of the division’s 1:1 initiative
  • Only rising 9th graders are effected

If students need assistance or have questions, they should contact their school ITC.