Students transition from access@APS to MyAccess@APS

What’s happening?

Information Services will be transitioning students from access@APS to MyAccess@APS. These tools are part of APS’s single sign-on used to access certain online applications such as Google and Canvas.

When is it happening?

Individual applications will be transitioned on specific dates.  Unless otherwise noted, all transitions will occur between 4:30 and 6:30 PM.

  • Google – Tuesday, March 5, 2019
  • Canvas – Wednesday, March 6, 2019
  • Discovery – Thursday, March 7, 2019
  • Office 365 – 5:00 PM on Friday, May 17, 2019, through 5:00 PM on Saturday, May 18, 2019

How will this impact students?

The specific application will not be available while it is transitioned, other applications will continue to function normally.

During the transition period, students may see two different login screens depending if the specific application is authenticated using access@APS or MyAccess@APS.  Once the transition is complete, all applications will use MyAccess@APS.

During the transition, student shared and issued (1:1) devices will have two shortcuts, one for access@APS or MyAccess@APS. The applications will be available using both shortcutsOnce the transition is complete, the accss@APS shortcut will be removed.

What do students need to do? 

Students should plan their work with the knowledge that specific applications will not be available while they are being transitioned.

Why is the change occurring?

This transition will make additional applications available through single sign-on.

Additional information:

  • This transition is part of the overall transition, for students and staff, from the current OneLogin to the new MyAccess@APS.
  • Once we have finished this transition for students and staff, the old access@APS page will be closed.
  • This is part of the larger project to relocate the APS Data Center from the old Ed Center on N. Quincy Streed to the new Data Center on S. Taylor Street

If students need assistance they should contact their school ITC.