Finance & Management Services

The Department of Finance and Management Services is responsible for the budgeting, accounting, accounts payable and auditing functions for the eight funds managed and operated by Arlington Public Schools totaling over $669.6 million dollars, for the financial management of all federal, state and other grants in excess of $15.5 million, and for all voter approved bond construction funds.

The Department of Finance manages certain central administrative accounts on behalf of the entire school system. This program includes budgeted reimbursement from the Food and Nutrition Services Fund and the Extended Day program, for administrative support, a system-wide budget reserve, and the Superintendent’s Reserve which supports instructional and administrative needs that arise during the school year for which there are no support funds available from other sources. Administrative (non-instructional) travel, primarily by Education Center personnel, is also funded by this program, as are postage needs of the system such as the payroll and accounts payable and purchasing mailings.