5.27 Weekly Message

Greetings from your virtual PRC! Kelly, Kathleen and Emma hope you all found some fun and pleasant ways to pass the time during the long weekend. Since we were off on Monday, this week’s message will be a hybrid of a brief message along with our weekly Webinar Wrap-Up. Take good care, and remember we’d love to connect with you while working virtually. Please contact us at 703.228.7239 or prc@apsva.us with questions, concerns, or just to check in and say hello! Enjoy the rest of the week, be well, and take good care.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Bullying negatively affects the mental health of all those involved. StopBullying.gov has resources for parents and caregivers on cyberbullying and bullying. The site also offers videos to watch with younger children to teach them about how to handle bullying situations.

Over 68% of Arlington households have responded to the 2020 Census, but that leaves just over 31% – close to 30,000 households – that have not yet been counted, according to a presentation shared with the Arlington County Board. Learn more about Arlington’s undercounted areas. Taking the Census is important, safe, confidential and easy. Everyone who has not yet taken the Census is encouraged to take 10 minutes and take it today!

Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Resources

TTAC Resources

  • Assistive Technology Quick Tip Videos for Distance Learning
    These are quick videos that explore the various accessibility features of common programs and platforms as well as some AAC at home information.View the Assistive Technology Quick Tip Videos for Distance Learning
  • TechKnowledgy 2019-20 Archived Webinar: Do It Yourself Assistive Technology at Home
    (Assistive Technology Network,Virginia Department of Education, VDOE)
    This recorded webinar explores how to make several low-tech AT tools through easy steps with common items and materials that can found around the house. We demonstrate the steps to assemble low tech tools during the webinar, identify the simple tools you need, and share the materials lists and directions needed for you to create each item yourself! Note: You will need to log into your TTAC Online account to access this webinar.
    Investigate the Do It Yourself Assistive Technology Archived Webinar

Weekly Webinar Wrap-Up