Registration Document Secure Upload

Step 3: Upload your Supporting Proof of Residency Documents

Use the secure document upload area below to submit your Supporting Proof of Residency.

Uploading Directions: Follow the same steps to upload you used when uploading the registration form on this and subsequent pages. The fields with your name, email address, and school(s) should already be filled out. Be sure to click “Submit” after you have uploaded the document(s) and check that the confirmation of upload is displayed in the upload window.

Upload your Supporting Proof of Residency Documents

  • Any two of the following documents that show your name and address: Current federal, state or property tax returns; Current payroll or withholding statement; Vehicle registration; Current utility bill; Valid Virginia driver’s license with current address; Documentation of financial assistance from Arlington County.
  • Only upload two documents

After you have uploaded your Supporting Proof of Residency, go to Step 4: Educational Documents