Leveled Readers

Grade 1 | Grade 2 | Grade 3 | Grade 4 | Grade K

Grade 1

Grade Level in Science Fusion Title of Leveled Reader Above/On/Below F&P Guided Reading level Summary SOL Standard Specific Substandard
1 All About Animals Below Level F Concepts of living v non living, categories of animals, life cycles are discussed in this below level reader. K.6, K.7, 1.5, 2.5 K.6, K.7, 2.5a
1 All About Matter Below Level F Beginning levels of chemistry are introduced. The 3 states of matter are mentioned, along with how heat affects substances. Solutions and mixtures are also introduced. K.3, 1.3, 3.3 K.3, 3.3
1 All About Plants Below Level F Ideas introduced in this reader include parts of plants and edible v. non edible. K.7, 1.4, 2.4, 4.4 K.7, 2.4b, 4.4
1 Animal Groups On Grade level I The idea of non-living and living things are described in this book, along with the different animal groups: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and insects. K.6, K.7, 1.5, 3.4 K.6ab, K.7abcd, 3.4ab
1 Animals and Plants On Grade level I An overview of how plants and animals are dependent on each other are the focus of this book. 1.4, 1.5, 2.4, 2.5, 3.4 2.4a, 2.5abc, 3.4ab
1 Earth’s Resources On Grade level H Basic understandings of natural resources are discussed. (water, air, rocks, and soil) 1.8, 2.8, 4.9 2.8c, 4.9
1 Environments for Living Things Below Level F How animals survive and food chains are introduced in this reader. K.6, K.7, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 K.6, K.7, 2.5, 3.5
1 Fantastic Fruit Above Level J-K This book discusses how fruits can be sorted. 1.2, 1.4, 2.4, 4.4 K.4, 2.4, 4.4
1 Forests, Deserts and Oceans On Grade level H Animals that live in different biomes are discussed. K.6, K.7, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 K.6, K.7
1 Four Seasons on a Farm Above Level K This book describes different happenings on a farm due to seasonal changes. K.6, K.7, 1.5, 1.7 K.6, K.7
1 Habitats Above Level L Different animals are discussed within differing habitats. (Deserts, wetlands, ocean, rainforest, forest, Arctic) 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 2.5, 3.5, 4.5
1 Heat, Light and Sound Below Level F An introduction of heat, light and sound as energy forms are discussed. K.4, 1.3, 3.3, 5.2, 5.3 K.4, 3.3, 5.2, 5.3
1 In Motion! On Grade level I This book gives a brief, basic overview of forces, gravity and motion. 1.2, 4.2 4.2
1 Land and Water Above Level J Different land and water formations are discussed in this book. 1.7, 2.7 2.7
1 Look Up! Our Sky On Grade level H Day/night, Earth/Moon/Sun/Stars phenomena are discussed. 1.6, 3.8, 4.8 3.8a, 4.8
1 Measuring Weather Below Level F A brief and basic understanding of tools to measure with are introduced in this reader. 1.7, 2.7, 4.6 2.7a, 4.6ab
1 Motion! Below Level F A basic understanding of how movement occurs is introduced. Vocabulary: motion, gravity, force, and magnets K.3, 2.3, 1.2 K.3, 2.3
1 Move It! Above Level J-K This book describes how animals use their body parts to move. 1.5, 2.4, 3.4 2.4, 3.4
1 My Earth On Grade level H Earth features are discussed: oceans, mountains, rivers, plains, streams, valleys. 1.6, 2.7, 5.7 2.7ab, 5.7df
1 Natural Resources Below Level F A basic understanding of natural resources are discussed. Rocks, soil, air, and water are introduced. 1.8, 2.8, 3.8, 3.11 2.8, 3.8, 3.11
1 Objects in the Sky Below Level F Concepts introduced are: day/night, earth-moon-sun system, and moon phases. 1.6, 3.8, 4.8 3.8a, 4.8
1 Our Earth Below Level F Natural occurances on Earth are discussed–weathering/erosion, along with land formations–mountains, rivers/streams. 1.6, 2.8 2.8d
1 Places to Live Below Level F This reader discusses various habitats of animals–oceans, desert, forest. K.6, K.7, 1.5, 3.6 K.6, K.7, 3.6
1 Plants, Plants Everywhere On Level I Plant parts, growth, flowering, fruit 1.4, 4.4 1.4 a,b,c and 4.4a
1 Plants, Plants Everywhere! On Grade level I A brief description of plants and their life cycle are discussed. 1.4, 2.4, 4.4 2.4b, 4.4
1 Red, White, Boom! Above Level L This book supports the unit of study on matter as it relates the states of matter to making fireworks and other light producing booms in the sky! 1.3, 2.3, 3.3, 5.4 2.3, 3.3,5.4
1 Ride On Above Level K Amusement park rides are the focus in this book in learning about the movement of objects. 1.2, 3.2, 4.2 3.2, 4.2
1 Seasons Below Level F This reader gives a very basic overview of the characteristics of each season, along with types of weather and how to dress. K.2, 1.7, 2.7 K.2, 2.7a
1 Sun Time! Above Level J-K This book describes how sundials were made and how they are used to measure time. K.8, 1.6, 2.6, 4.7 K.8, 2.6, 4.7
1 The Four Seasons On Grade level I Seasonal changes in nature are discussed, along with some basic understanding of behavior and physical adaptations. K.9, K.10, 1.7, 2.7, 3.8 K.9abc, K.10b, 2.7a, 3.8a
1 The Water Cycle On Grade level H Ideas around condensation, evaportation, and water vapor are discussed at a basic level. K.5,1.7, 3.9, 4.6 K.5, 3.9, 4.6b
1 This Rocks! Above Level J-K This book gives a brief description of the 3 kinds of rocks. Difficult to correlate to a 1st grade standard. 3.11, 5.7
1 Weather Safety Above Level K This book discusses how to be safe in weather related events, such as hurricanes and tornados. 1.7, 4.6 4.6
1 Web of Life Above Level K Food chains, food webs, and animal survival are in this book. 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 3.6, 4.5 2.5, 3.5, 3.6, 4.5
1 What Are Heat, Light, and Sound? On Grade level I This book discusses light, sound, and heat as energy forms. This book seems misplaced in the first grade curricula. Better for low level or ESOL/HILT level learners at upper grades. 1.2, 1.3, 1.6, 5.4 5.4
1 What Do You Eat? Above Level K This book reviews the parts of a plant and extends student’s understanding by discussing how the parts are consumed by people. 1.4, 4.4 4.4a
1 What Is Matter? On Grade level H A basic understanding of the 3 states of matter are introduced by this book. The changing of the states of matter is also introduced. 1.3, 3.3, 5.4 3.3, 5.4

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Grade 2

Grade Level in Science Fusion Title of Leveled Reader Above/On/Below F&P Guided Reading level Summary SOL Standard Specific Substandard
2 A Matter of Change On Level K “A Matter of Change” is an on grade level reader with a DRA level of 18. The target vocabulary words are- condensation, evaporation, mixture, and water vapor. The text begins with a fruit salad as an example of a mixture of solids that can have pieces of things in different sizes and amounts. Which is followed by the concept mixtures can mix from different states. For example Salt water is a mixture of a liquid and a solid. Examples of the three forms of water are explained and illustrated. Eva K.4, K.5, 1.3, 2.3, 3.9, 5.4 K.4 d, K.5 a, 1.3 a,b, 2.3 a,b,c, 3.9 c, 5.4 a,b,e
2 Animal Life Cycles On Level I-J “Animal Life Cycles’ is an on grade level reader with a 16-18 DRA level. The target vocabulary words are-life cycle and tadpole. The selection begins with an explanation of grouping animals and uses “cats” as the example. The text proceeds with the concept of producing offspring and that animals “grow up”. Life cycles is introduced and defined. The teacher’s guide explains how to use previewing the text and graphics with this selection. Life cycle diagrams are not within the text. K.7, 1.5, 2.4, 4.5, 5.5 K.7 d, 1.5 b,c, 2.4 a, 4.5 e, 5.5 b
2 By the North Star On Level K “By the North Star” is an on grade level selection with a DRA of 18. The focus vocabulary words are-equator, horizon, latitude, navigate, North Star, quadrant, sextant, and wayfinder. This Expository Nonfiction selection begins with a historical perspective on what sailors used to navigate the seas, the night sky and The North Star. There is a diagram of the Big and Little Dipper with an explanation of pointer stars along with tools for navigation (quadrant and sextant). To complete the selectio 4.8 4.8 e
2 Changes in Matter Below Level G “Changes in Matter” is a below level reader on a DRA 12 level. The target vocabulary words are-matter, solids, liquids, lemon juice, lemonade, gas, boil and ashes. Photos and illustrations are up to date and kid “friendly”. The text begins with a young girl mixing fruit and then lemonade to show the difference in mixing solids and liquids. This is followed by liquids freezing and melting in the form of an ice pop. Ice pop changes that occur in size and shape when heat is removed is demonstrated. K.4, K.5, 1.3, 2.3, 3.9, 5.4 k.4 d, K.5 a, 1.3 a,b, 2.3 a,b,c, 3.9 c, 5.4 a,b,e
2 Changing Shapes On Level L “Changing Shapes” is an on grade level reader with a DRA level of 20. The target vocabulary words are-adult, amphibian, baby, caterpillar, insect, life cycle, nymph, pupa and tadpole. “Changing Shapes” begins with and explanation that Amphibians are one kind of animal that changes shape. The text describes the life cycle of a frog and compares it to the development of a human. This is followed by the life cycle of a dragonfly complete with an illustrated diagram. The text concludes with the life K.7, 2.4, 4.5 K.7 c, 2.4 a, 4.5 e
2 Easy Does It! On Level L-M “Easy Does It!” is an on grade level reader with a DRA equivalent of 20-24. The target vocabulary words are- force, fulcrum, level, load, ramp, and wheelbarrow. This selection begins with the main protagonist, Mark, introducing himself and what he learned about tools in general. After a big storm, they cut a “huge” tree that has fallen. Some of the pieces they can’t move so they use a board as a lever and a wheelbarrow to move them. Dad explain what a fulcrum is and how it is used. This followed 1.2, 3.2 1.2 c, 3.2 a, b, d,
2 Exploring Earth’s Surface Below Level I “Exploring Earth’s Surface” is a below grade level reader with a DRA level of 16. The target vocabulary words are-weathering, erosion, earthquake, volcano, boulder, mineral, soil, dinosaur, extinct and fossil. The selection begins with an explanation of weathering and erosion. This is followed by a definition and illustration of earthquakes, rocks, and soil. Six types of rocks are illustrated-limestone, marble, sandstone, slate, granite and obsidian. In addition, four kinds of soil are pictured- 2.5, 2.7, 5.7, 4.9 2.5 d, 2.7 b, 4.9 c, 5.7 a,c,f
2 Forms of Water On Level K “Forms of Water” is an on grade level reader, with a DRA of 18, that begins with a riddle that list the states of water and the answer to the riddle is water. This is followed by how temperature affects the way water changes and is measured in Celsius and Fahrenheit. The explanation of the concept of evaporation begins with a riddle. Condensation is explained using a glass of water filled with ice cubes. Another riddle on condensation that refers to weather changes how water falls to the earth. K.9, 2.3, 3.9, 4.6 K.9 a, 2.3 a, 3.9 c, 4.6 a
2 H Below Level H “Animals” is a below grade level reader with a DRA level of 14. The target vocabulary words are- mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, life cycle, and tadpole. The selection begins with animals (mammals,birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish) in “groups” and list their characteristics. This is followed by diagrams of the life cycle of a cat and a frog. The reading focus skills in the Teacher’s guide are- main idea/details and compare/contrast. K.7, 1.5, 2.4, 4.5, 5.5 K.7 c, 1.5 b,c, 2.4 a, 4.5 e, 5.5 b
2 Helping Our World On Level K “Helping Our World” is a grade level reader with a DRA level of 18. The target vocabulary words are- forests, nutrients, recycling center, resources, soil, survive, and waste. This selection begins with a definition of resources and the changes people cause along with a labeled diagram. The uses of water were listed and amounts used were charted. This is followed by an explanation of how animals can be help to survive and eliminate aquatic pollution. This is followed by land and tree as resource 1.8, 2.8, 3.7, 3.10, 4.5, K.11 K.11 a,b,c, 1.8 b,c, 2.8 c, 3.7 a, 3.10 a,d, 4.5 f
2 Home Sweet Home On Level J-K “Home Sweet Home” is a grade level reader on a DRA level 18. The target vocabulary words are- adapt, desert, environment, habitat, pond, and rain forest. This selection begins with a definition of environment. Next, there were explanations of different environments- desert and rainforest. This is followed by a definition of habitat and example of a freshwater habitat-pond. Adapt is defined and examples are given. The selection concludes with an explanation of how environments are changing. The r K.7, 1.4, 1.5, 2.5, 3.4, 3.6, 4.5 K.7 a, 1.4 a, 1.5 a, 2.5 a,b,c, 3.4 a, b, 3.6 a, b, 4.5 a, b, d
2 Light and Heat Below Level I “Light and Heat” is a below grade level reader with a DRA score of 16. The focus vocabulary words are- energy, light, hear solar energy, reflect, friction, electricity, temperature and thermometer. The reader has a limited amount of words paired with vivid images of real world examples. The text begins with a definition of energy and three forms of energy (light, heat and sound). This followed by an explanation of where energy comes from (solar, wind, water, coal and oil). Light, shadows, heat, K.8, 1.7, 3.11, 4.2, 4.3, 4.9, 5.2, 5.3 K.8 a, 1.7 c, 3.11 a, 4.2 c, 4.3 a,d, 4.9 c, 5.2 d, 5.3 d
2 Living and Nonliving Things Below Level G “Living and Nonliving Things” is a below grade level reader with a DRA level of 12. The target vocabulary words are- living, oxygen, nonliving, survive, shelter, and nutrients. This selection begins with vivid illustrations and a definition of what living things need, a statement that they grow and change, and that animals and plants are living things. This is followed by an explanation and illustration of nonliving things. The text returns to repeating and giving examples of what animals need t K.6, K.7, 1.4, 1.5, 2.5 K.6 a,b, K.7 a,b, 1.4 a, 1.5 a, 2.5 a,b
2 Living Things and Their Environments Below Level H “Living Things and Their Environments” is a below grade level reader with a DRA level of 14. The target vocabulary words are- adapt, environment, habitat, desert, rain forest, grassland, tundra, ocean, pond, food chain, and food web. The selection begins with a definition of environment and habitat. This is followed by examples of several different types of environments- desert, rain forest, grassland, tundra, ocean and pond. The selection concludes with a definition and chart on food chains and 2.5, 3.5, 3.6, 4.5 2.5 a,b, 3.5 a,c, 3.6 a,b, 4.5 c,d
2 Living Things and Their Environments Below Level H-I “Living Things” is a below grade level reader on a DRA level 14-16. The target vocabulary words are- living, nonliving, and shelter. The selection begins with comparing and contrasting living and non-living “things”. Living things are divided into two groups-plants and animals and what they need to survive. The life cycle of a sunflower is labeled and charted. However, the lifecycle of a bear is just written in the text. The needs of plants and animals are explained. This information is summariz K.6, K.7, 1.5, 2.4, 2.5, 2.8, 3.10, 4.5 K.6 a,b, K.7 a,b,c,d, 1.5 a, 2.4 a,b, 2.5 a,b, 2.8 c, 3.10 a, 4.5 e
2 Matter Matters! On Level I-J “Matter Matters!” is an on grade level reader with a DRA of 16-18. The target vocabulary words are-gas, liquid, mass, matter, milliliter, property, solid, and volume. This selection begins with a definition of matter and the three forms of matter. Property and Mass are defined. Solids, Liquids, and Gases are defined in terms of their properties and examples are given as to how each could be measured. For example a balance to measure a solid and a glass container for liquids. Differences between 2.3, 5.4 2.3 a,b, 5.4a
2 Motion Below Level J-K “Motion” according to the series is a below grade level reader with a Lexile level of 310L and a DRA 18-20. The target vocabulary words are- motion, speed, force, gravity, and friction. Motion begins with a visual description of the kinds of motion-striaght path, circle, zig zap path, curve, back and forth. This is followed by a definition of speed, force (push and pull), gravity, friction, levers, inclined planes and magnets (poles). Each definition includes a student friendly visual that is la K.3, 1.2, 2.2, 3.2, 4.2 K.3 a,b, 1.2 a,c, 2.2 a, 3.2 a,b,d, 4.2 a,b,c
2 Natural Resources Below Level H “Natural Resources” is a below grade level reader with a DRA level of 14. The target vocabulary words are-resource, natural resource, pollution, reuse, reduce, recycle and endangered. The selection begins with a definition and examples of natural resources. This is followed by what harms or the wasting of natural resources. The selection ends with a message on reusing, reducing and recycling along with conserving resources and an explanation of what an endangered animal is. The teacher’s guide 1.8, 3.10, 3.11, K.11, 4.9 K.11 a,b,c, 1.8 a,b,c, 3.10 b,d, 3.11 c, 4.9 a,c
2 Observing and Classifying Matter Below Level G “Observing and Classifying Matter” is a below grade level reader on a DRA level 12. The target vocabulary words are- matter, mass, property, solid, texture, centimeter, liquid, volume, milliliter, and gas. The selection begins with a definition of mater and examples of properties. Solids, liquids and gases are defined, examples given. Tools to measure those forms of matter are shown in pictures and labeled. For example, a balance to measure the mass of a solid and a ruler to measure the size of K.4, 2.3, 5.4 K.4 a,b,d, 2.3 a,b, 5.4 a
2 On the Move! Below Level I “On the Move!” is a below grade level reader with a DRA level of 16. The target vocabulary words are- force, friction, gravity and motion. The selection begins with a definition and explanation of motion and force.Big and small forces are compared as well as the earth’s force. Gravity, motion, friction are defined. One way to measure a force is to compare it to another force. For example, it was harder to push a chair across a carpeted floor than a floor without carpet. Previewing text/graphics 1.2, 2.2, 4.2 1.2 c, 2.2 a, 4.2. b,c
2 Our Natural Resources On Level J-K “Our Natural Resources” is a grade level reader with a DRA level of 18. The target vocabulary words are-natural resource, pollution, recycle, and resource. The text begins with a definition of a resource and natural resource. Examples of Natural Resources and how they are used follow the definitions. The selection ends with how natural resources are harmed and how resources can be saved. Preview text/graphics and main idea/details are the reading skills listed in the teacher’s guide. 1.8, 3.10, 3.11, K.11, 4.9 K.11 a,b, 1.8 a,b,c, 3.10 b,d, 3.11 c, 4.9 a,b,c
2 Our Solar System On Level I-J “Our Solar System” is an on grade level reader with a DRA range of 16-18. The target vocabulary words are-constellation, moon, orbit, planet, solar system, and star. “Our Solar System” begins with definitions and illustrations for a star and a planet. The Solar System is explained without visuals or a chart along with the concept of orbiting. The Sun is identified as a star. An example, with visual, is given of the North Star and the constellation Orion the Hunter is illustrated. The final page 3.8, 4.7, 4.8 3.8 a, 4.7 a,c, 4.8 a,d
2 Plant Life Cycles On Level J-K “Plant Life Cycles” is a grade level reader with a DRA of 18. The target vocabulary words are- germinate and life cycle. The selection begins with an explanation of life cycles. This followed by a definition of germinate. A plant’s life cycle is explained in a step by step format with examples and visuals. There is a short summary at the end of the text. Previewing text/graphics and compare/contrast are the focus reading skills in the teacher’s guide. K.7, K.9, 2.4, 4.4, 4.5 K.7 c,d, K.9 c, 2.4 a,b, 4.4 a,b, 4.5 e
2 Plants Below Level I “Plants” is a below grade level reader with a DRA level of 16. The target vocabulary words are-roots, stems, leaves, flowers, trunk, shrub, life cycle and germinate. The selection begins with identifying plant needs and the parts of a plant. All illustrations of plant parts are labeled, one part at a time, and correlated to the written text. Additionally, as part of the definition of stems, several plant examples are given. This is followed by the life cycle of a bean plant, labeled parts are co K.7, K.9, 1.4, 2.4, 4.4, 4.5 K.7 b,c, K.9 c, 1.4 a,b,c 2.4 b, 4.4 a,b, 4.5 e
2 Rain or Shine? Above Level M-N “Rain or Shine?” is an above grade level reader on a DRA level of 24-28. The focus vocabulary words are-meterologist, atmosphere, temperature, humidity, radar, weather, balloon and weather satellite. This selection begins with an explanation of what a meteorologist is and does. This is followed by an explanation of the following measurement tools- thermometers, rain gauges, barometers, anemometers, wind vanes and hygrometers and how they are used for measuring weather. The text finishes with th 1.7, 2.6, 4.6 1.7 b,c, 2.6 b,c, 4.6 a, b
2 Shake It Up Above Level M-N “Shake It Up” is an above grade level reader on a DRA 24 level. The target vocabulary words are- crust, collide, currents, earthquake, damage, fault, plates, and tsunami. The selection begins with an explantion of why earthquakes occur with a diagram. What happens as a result of an earthquake or a change to the land and how an earthquake affects people is explained. Photographs with captions illustrate the changes and the affect on people. The conclusion is an explanation of what happens when th 2.6, 2.7, 5.7 2.6 a, 2.7 a,b, 5.7 d,e,f,g
2 Sound Below Level H “Sound” has a reported DRA level of 13-14 which would be a below grade level reader. The illustrations are vivid, child friendly with age appropriate reading features such as the labels on diagrams. The writer used a multiple repetition pattern approach in presenting the vocabulary. Additionally, the support activities correlate with reading skills taught in second grade for example- cause and effect or main idea and details. However, the primary content focus vocabulary words are sound, vibrate 2.2, 2.3 2.2 a,b 2.3 a,c
2 Surprises in Grandma’s Garden On Level K “Surprises in Grandma’s Garden” is an on grade level reader with a DRA level of 18. This selection begins with Andy and his little sister Lisa’s visit to their Grandma’s house. Grandma shows pictures of their mom when she was their age and notes how similar they look to their mom. When its almost dinner time, they go out to the garden to collect vegetables. There is a list of the vegetables they picked and a corresponding unlabeled picture. They look at how plants are the same and different. Gra K.6, K.7 K.6 b, K.7 d
2 The Hidden Energy in Plants Above Level M “The Hidden Energy in Planets” is an above grade level reader with a DRA level of 24. The text begins with a basic lesson on life forms needing energy from the sun or solar energy. This is followed by an explanation that energy can change forms and that plants store energy from the sun. People use energy from plants by eating them and by burning plants. Energy is stored in the logs that burn to become light and heat energy. Plants changed into fossil fuels are burned by people to get energy. C K.7, 1.4, 1.6, 3.9, 3.11, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.9 k.7c, 1.4a, 1.6a, 3.9b, 3.11a,b,c, 4.3d, 4.4c, 4.5c, 4.9c
2 The Solar System Below Level I “The Solar System” is a below grade level reader with a DRA level of 16. The target vocabulary words are- solar system, planet, orbit, star, rotate, moon, and season. The text begins with a diagram of the solar system with each planet labeled. Next, a basic definition stars and a group of stars. There are pictures with labels of three constellations-The Big Dipper, Little Dipper and Orion. This is followed by illustrations and explanations of day and night. After which is an explanation of four 1.6, 1.7, 3.8, 4.7, 4.8 1.6 b, 1.7 c, 3.8 a, 4.7 a, b, c, 4.8 a, b, c, d
2 This Changing Earth On Level J “This Changing Earth” is a on grade level reader with a DRA level of 18. The target vocabulary words are- earthquake, erosion, volcano, and weathering. This selection begins with facts about rocks for example the Earth is make of rock and rock near the surface of the Earth is called the crust. This followed by a definition for weathering, erosion, an earthquake, volcanoes, and landforms. Compare/Contrast and Preview Text/Graphics are the reading skills focused on in the Teacher’s Guide 2,7, 5.7 5.7 b, f
2 Too Small to See On Level L “Too Small to See” is an on grade level reader with a DRA of 20. This text begins with the concept that objects are made of parts followed by a hand lens magnifies objects and that two lens will magnify an object even more. A definition of a microscope is given along with a picture of a microscope with the parts not labeled. At the end of the reader, we learn all living things are made of tiny part called cells. The target vocabulary words are- cells, close up, hand lens, magnify, microscope an 5.5 5.5 a
2 Using Electricity Above Level L-M “Using Electricity” is an above grade level reader at a DRA level of 20-24. Target Vocabulary words for this selection are- batteries, CD, electric company, filament, generate and power line. An electric robot toy graces the covers which makes it a reader children are drawn to and the illustrations throughout are “real world”. Written using an Expository Nonfiction format, the story begins with a family that has lost power and the children listing everything in their home that runs on electricit 4.3, 4.9, 5.2 4.3 b d, 4.9 c, 5.2 c
2 Way to Grow! On Level K “Way to Grow!” is a grade level reader on a DRA level of 18. The target vocabulary words are- blood bone, energy, grow, living things, muscle, nutrient, reproduce and survive. The selection begins with what living things need- air, food, and water to survive and grow. There are interesting illustrations of the proportion of a human and a watermelon that is water.The final page is on how humans reproduce and grow. At the bottom of the page is an infant sitting, then crawling and then walking. Pre K.6, K.7, K.9, K.10, 1.5, 2.4, 2.5 K.6 b, K.7 a,b,c,d, K.9 c, K.10 a, 1.5 a, 2.4 a, 2.5 b
2 Weather and Water On Level J “Weather and Water” is an on grade level reader with a DRA level of 18. Focus vocabulary include condensation, evaporation, precipitation, water cycle, and weather patterns. The selection begins with a definition and example of weather patterns followed by the states of water in reference to weather i.e. rain, snow Precipitation, evaporation and condensation are defined in an explanation, without a diagram, of the water cycle. A short paragraph summary on the water cycle and forms of participat K.9, K.10, 1.7, 2.6, 3.8, 3.9 K.9 a, K.10 a,b, 1.7 c, 2.6 b,c, 3.8 a, 3.9 a,b,c,d
2 Weather and Water Below Level H “Weather” is a below grade level reader with a DRA of 14. “Weather” begins with the seasons as an example of how weather changes. Next, thee are three examples given of how weather is measured with illustrations and labels. The three ways are temperature, wind, and precipitation which includes droughts and floods. The selection ends with an illustration of the water cycle as an example of a pattern that repeats. Weather, weather patterns, season, temperature, thermometer, wind, precipitation, wa K.9, K.10, 1.7, 2.7, 3.9, 4.6 K.9 a, K.10 a,b, 1.7 b, c, 2.7 a, b, 3.9 c,d, 4.6 a
2 What are Light and Heat? On Level K “What are Light and Heat?” is an on grade level reader with a DRA of 18. The focus vocabulary words are- energy, friction, heat and light. This reader begins with a definition of energy and the forms (light, sound and heat). Additionally, the sources of energy are listed- sun, wind, moving water, and fuel (coal and oil). Light is explained using the example of sunlight and the dependence of plants and animals (earth) on light energy. This is followed by an explanation of how light moves, passes K.8, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.5, 2.8, 3.11, 4.2, 4.3, 5.2, 5.3 K.8 a, 1.4 a, 1.5 a, 1.6 a, 1.7 a, 2.5 a,b, 2.8 c, 3.11 a,c, 4.2 c, 4.3 d, 4.9 c, 5.2 c, 5.3 d,e
2 What do we Need? On Level K “What do we Need?” is a grade level reader with a DRA level of 18. the key vocabulary words are factory, floodwater, landfill, smokestack, wilderness, and wildlife. The selection begins with an introduction on how living things affect their environment in good and bad ways. A young girl and her mother walk about their town discussing the changes. One way is things change. Humans dig up fields to build new schools and houses. The park replaced an old factory that was harmful to the environment. T K.5, 1.8, 2.5, 2.7, 3.10, 4.5, 5.7, K.11, 4.9 K.5 b, K.11 a,b,c, 1.8 b,c, 2.5 a,b,c,2.7 b, 3.10 b,c,d, 4.5 f, 4.9 d, 5.7 f, g
2 What is Sound? On Level J-K “What is Sound?” is considered on grade level with a DRA equivalent of 18. The reading activities, in the teacher’s guide, correlate well with 2nd grade reading objectives- identifying cause and effect as well as main idea and details. The text uses “real world” illustrations and examples. The content focus i on examples of you sound including a definition of sound as a form of energy and a definition of vibration which includes pictures.. Additionally, a pitch fork is used as an visual example 1.2, 5.2 1.2b, 5.2bcd

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Grade 3

Grade Level in Science Fusion Title of Leveled Reader Above/On/Below F&P Guided Reading level Summary SOL Standard Specific Substandard
3 A Trip to the Ocean Floor Above Level R This book describes two journeys made by the submersible Alvin to the ocean floor, then gives a general description of landforms found under the ocean, including seamounts, mid-ocean ridges, and the Challenger Deep of the Mariana Trench. 3.6, 5.6 3.6a, 5.6a,b,c
3 All About Energy On Level M-N Heat, light, and sound energy and their importance for individuals and communities are discussed. The difference between kinetic and potential energy, the ways that energy is involved in common events, and the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources are explained. 3.10, 3.11, 4.2, 4.3 3.10d, 3.11a,b,c, 4.2d, 4.3d
3 Amazing Colors Above Level P-Q White light is composed of all of the colors of the rainbow. Our eyes add together the three primary colors of light to make all the colors we see. Televisions use the same principle to produce a color image. 5.3 5.3b
3 Amazing Plants Above Level Q-R The book describes many highly unusual plants, including the world’s largest tree and the world’s oldest plant. It also describes the world’s largest fruit, flower, tuber, seed, and leaf. 2.8, 3.4, 3.8, 4.4 2.8a,c,d 3.4b, 3.8c, 4.4a,d, 4.5a
3 Catch the Sun! Above Level R Solar energy is an alternative energy source that is being used with greater frequency in our daily lives. In the future, more of our energy needs will be met through advances in solar technology. 1.6, 1.8, 3.10, 3.11 1.6a, 1.8a, 3.10d, 3.11a,b
3 Conserving Resources Below Level G Different types of resources (renewable, nonrenewable, recyclable) are described. Components of soil are identified and described. The importance of soil is explained. Human impact on the environment is described (including air, water and soil contamination). Ways humans can conserve the environment are identified (reduce, reuse, recycle). 1.8, 3.7, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 5.7 K.11a,b,c, 1.8a,b,c, 3.7a,b,c,d, 3.9e, 3.10b,d, 3.11b,c 5.7g
3 Cooking with Machines Above Level P Three girls prepare breakfast, using a variety of simple machines. 3.2 3.2a,b,c,d
3 Could a Polar Bear Survive in the Desert? Above Level Q-R Animals are adapted for the environments in which they live. Polar bears are comfortable in extreme cold because they are adapted to it. Likewise, camels live well in the intense heat of the desert. 2.5, 3.4, 3.6, 4.5, 5.6 2.5a,b, 3.4a,b, 3.6a,b 4.5a,b,d 5.6c
3 Earth – The Water Planet Above Level Q The water cycle describes the movement of water through Earth’s oceans, land, and air. Learning about Earth’s water helps us more fully understand the water cycle. 3.9 3.9a,b,c,d,e
3 Earth’s Place in the Solar System Below Level None Given Describes the reason for the seasons and for day and night (rotation, revolution, axis). Explains basic moon/Earth interactions (moon phases, solar and lunar eclipses. Describes the basic components of our solar system, including identification and some details about inner and outer planets, stars, orbit, and constellations. 1.6, 1.7, 3.8, 4.7, 4.8 1.6a,b, 1.7b,c, 3.8a, 4.7a,b,c, 4.8a,b,c,d
3 Electricity and Magnets Below Level J Static and current electricity are described. Uses of electricity. Basic properties of magnets and uses of magnets. Connections between magnetism and electricity, including electromagnets and generators. K.3, 2.2, 4.3 K.3a,b, 2.2a,b, 4.3b,c,d,e
3 Energy Below Level L Energy is defined, including potential and kinetic energy. Ways humans use energy are identified, including combustion and changes in temperature. The importance of energy is described, including resources, fossil fuels, renewable and nonrenewable resources. 1.8, 3.10, 3.11, 4.2 1.8a, 3.10d, 3.11a,b,c 4.2a,d
3 Forces and Motions Below Level K Properties of movement are described, including distance and velocity. Properties of forces are described, including friction, gravity and weight and ways in which forces change the movement of objects. Basic properties of transverse waves are described, including crests, troughs and wavelengths. 1.2, 4.2, 5.2, 5.3 1.2a,b,c, 4.2a,b,c, 5.2a,b 5.3a
3 Forces that Shape the Land Below Level L Landforms are described and identified (mountains, valleys, canyons, etc.). Forces that slowly change the surface of the Earth are described (weathering, erosion, glaciers). Causes and effects of forces that rapidly change the Earth’s surface are described (earthquakes, volcanoes, floods). K.10, 2.7, 3.10, 4.6, 5.7 K.10a,b, 2.7b, 3.10c, 4.6a, 5.7d,e,f
3 Heat, Light, and Sound Below Level K Basic properties of heat are identified, including temperature, heat, thermal energy, conductors, and insulators. Basic properties of light are described, including reflection, refraction and shadows. The relationship between light and heat are explored, including absorption, opaque, transparent, translucent, prisms, rainbows, and white light. Properties of sound are identified, including vibration, volume, and pitch. 1.2, 5.2, 5.3 1.2b, 5.2b,c,d, 5.3b,c,e,d
3 High Tide Above Level Q-R The student learns about the effects of the moon and sun on tides. How tides are measured and who uses this information is also discussed. 3.8, 4.8 3.8a, 4.8a
3 Invisible Pull: Electricity and Magnets On Level M-N Electricity and its uses are described. Current and static electricity as well as conductors and insulators are explained. Magnetism and its relation to electricity are covered. K.3, 2.2, 4.3 K.3a,b, 2.2a,b, 4.3a,b,c,d,e,f
3 It’s Electric! Above Level Q Students learn about the history of electricity. How electricity is made and used in the United States today is also discussed. 4.3 4.3d,e,f
3 Journey Into Earth Above Level Q-R The core, mantle, and crust of Earth are described. Students learn what each layer contains. 5.7 5.7c,d,e
3 Learning About Heat, Light, and Sound On Level N Heat, light, and sound are described as types of energy. The discussion of light includes shadows, colors, reflection, and refraction. The discussion of sound includes volume, vibration and tone. The way in which they move is explained. K.8, 1.2, 5.2, 5.3 K.8a,b, 1.2b, 5.2a,b,c,d, 5.3a,b,c,d,e
3 Living THings Are All Around Us On Level N-O The relationship between plants and animals and their environments is explained. Ecosystems, populations, habitats, and communities are described. Basic adaptations are described. Specific examples of adaptations that are addressed: camouflage, mimicry, hibernation and migration. K.6, 1.7, 2.5, 2.7, 3.4, 3.6, 4.5, 5.5 K.6b, 1.7a, 2.5a,b,c, 2.7a, 3.4a,b, 3.6a,b,c, 4.5a,b,d, 5.5c
3 Living Things Depend on One Another Below Level F-G Plant and animal interactions are described (producer, consumer, decomposer, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore). Food chains, food webs and food pyramids are explained along with predator and prey. 3.5, 4.5 3.5a,b,c, 4.5b,c
3 Living Things Grow and Change On Level N Living things are called organisms. Plants and animals are organisms. All organisms are made up of cells. Different types of cells have different functions but they all work together to help the organism live. Most organisms experience a life cycle. Animals and plants have different types of life cycles. K.6, K.7, K.9, 2.4, 3.8, 4.4, 5.5 K.6a,b, K.7a,b,c,d, K.9c, 2.4a,b, 3.8b,c, 4.4a, 5.5a
3 Making Work Easier On Level N The scientific definition of work is given, and the concept of simple machines is introduced. The six simple machines – lever, wheel-and-axle, pulley, wedge, inclined plane, and screw – are defined, and examples of each are given. 3.2 3.2a,b,c,d
3 Matter is Everything! On Level N-O The states and properties of matter are explained (solids, liquids, gases, mass, volume), with attention given to density (sink/float), evaporation, and condensation. Mixtures and solutions are discussed. K.5, 1.3, 2.3, 3.3, 5.4 K.5a,c, 1.3a,b,c, 2.3a,b,c, 3.3a,b,c, 5.4a,b,e
3 Minerals and Rocks Below Level K Rocks and minerals are defined. The three major types of rocks are defined and examples of each are given (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic). The basic steps in the rock cycle are explained. Fossils are explored with a focus on different types of fossils, how fossils form, and what fossils tell us about past life on Earth. 2.5, 3.7, 5.7 2.5d, 3.7c, 5.7a,b,c,d
3 Moving and Changing On Level N The changes to Earth’s surface and structure are explained, including changes due to weathering, erosion, natural disasters, earthquakes, and volcanoes. K.10, 2.7, 2.8, 3.10, 5.7 K.10a,b, 2.7b, 2.8d, 3.10c, 5.7e,f
3 Our Place in Space On Level O-P Characteristics and components of the Earth/Moon/Sun relationship are explored, including rotation, revolution, axis, causes of day/night, seasons, and characteristics of our moon. Planets, stars and solar systems are defined. Inner and outer planets are briefly described. Other galaxies and characteristics of the universe are discussed, including asteroids and meteors. 1.6, 3.8, 4.7, 4.8 1.6a,b, 3.8a, 4.7a,b,c, 4.8a,b,c,d
3 Patterns: Do You See What I See? Above Level Q-R Defines a pattern as something that is repeated and presents examples of patterns in nature. These patterns include life cycle of animals with particular emphasis on the butterfly and the frog life cycles. Also discusses other patterns you can see, hear and fingerprint patterns. 3.8 3.8a,b
3 Properties of Matter Below Level F Basic properties of matter are identified and defined, including mass, volume, density, and physical properties. The basic states of matter (solids, liquids, gases) and the changing states of matter (evaporation, condensation) are explained. Physical and chemical changes are identified, including mixtures and solutions. K.4, 1.3, 2.3, 3.3, 5.4 K.4a,b,c,d, 1.3a,b,c, 2.3a,b,c, 3.3a,b,c, 5.4a,b,e
3 Protecting Resources Above Level Q The great dust storms of the 1930s taught us that we must conserve the soil or we will lose it. This book describes those storms and some of the measures farmers have taken to keep soil from being blown away by the wind and washed away by water. 3.7, 3.10, 4.5, 5.7 3.7a,b,c,d 3.10b,c,d, 4.5f, 4.9d, 5.7f,g
3 Saving Earth’s Resources On Level M-N Renewable and nonrenewable resources are defined. Pollution and its effects are described with special attention to air pollution and water pollution. Preventative measures are covered, such as conservation and reduce, reuse, recycle. 1.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 4.5, 5.7 K.11a,b,c, 1.8a,b,c, 3.9e, 3.10b,d, 3.11b,c , 4.5f, 5.7g
3 Smoky Mountain Mystery Above Level Q A young girl visits the Smoky Mountains with her family and keeps a journal of the animals and the traces of animals that she sees. Food chains and food webs are explored. 3.5, 3.6, 3.10, 4.5, 5.5 3.5a,b,c, 3.6b,c 3.10a, 4.5a,b,c,d,e, 5.5b,c
3 The Changing Forms of Water On Level O The states and the processes of water are described (water vapor, evaporation, condensation, precipitation, etc.), including its relationship to the water cycle and to the weather. Basic cloud types are defined (cumulonimbus, stratus, and cirrus). K.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.3, 2.6, 2.7, 3.9, 4.6 K.5a,b, 1.6a, 1.7a,c, 2.3a,c, 2.6a,b,c, 2.7a, 3.9a,b,c,d,e, 4.6a,b,c,
3 The Water Cycle Below Level None Given Common places to find salt water and fresh water are described. The steps in the water cycle are identified and defined (condensation, evaporation, precipitation). The changing states of water are described. Basic components of air and weather are identified (atmosphere, oxygen, weather, temperature, anemometer, meteorologist). K.5, K.9, K.10, 1.6, 1.7, 2.6, 3.9, 4.6, 5.4 K.5a, K.9a, K.10a,b, 1.6a, 1.7a,c, 2.6a,b,c 3.9a,b,c,d,e, 4.6a,b,c, 5.4a,b
3 The Wonderful World of Plants On Level N-O Plant needs, plant parts (especially roots, stems, leaves), photosynthesis, ways plants help people, some plants are dangerous. K.7, K.9, 1.4, 2.4, 2.8, 3.8, 4.4 K.7b,c, K.9c, 1.4a,b,c, 2.4b, 2.8a,b,c, 3.8c, 4.4a,b,c,d,
3 Thinking About Motion Above Level R Throughout history, people have pondered the mechanics of motion. This book explores some of the thought processes and experiments from Aristotle to Galileo and Newton. Newtons three laws of motion are discussed. 4.2 4.2a,b,c,d
3 Turtle Story Above Level Q Loggerhead turtle nesting behavior is described, and the path of a female loggerhead sea turtle is traced from egg to adult. 2.4, 2.5, 3.4, 3.6, 4.5, 5.6 2.4a, 2.5a,b,c, 3.4a,b, 3.6a,d, 4.5a,b,c,d,e,f, 5.6c
3 Types of Animals Below Level L Animal needs are identified (oxygen, water, air, shelter). Animals are described as being either vertebrates or invertebrates. Examples are given of each type of vertebrate and invertebrate. K.7, 1.5, 2.5, 4.5, 5.5 K.7a, 1.5a,b,c, 2.5a, 4.5d, 5.5b,c
3 Types of Living Things Below Level L Describes differences between living and nonliving things. Living things are made up of cells. Describes major differences between plant and animal cells. Explains the basic life cycles of plants and animals (including metamorphosis). Explains that many animals look like their parents. K.6, K.7, 2.4, 3.8, 4.4, 5.5 K.6a,b, K.7c,d, 2.4a,b, 3.8b,c, 4.4a, 5.5a
3 Types of Plants Below Level J Describes needs of plants, plant parts and functions of plant parts. Describes different types of plants, the importance of flowers and seeds, and photosynthesis. K.7, 1.4, 2.4, 3.8, 4.4, 5.5 K.7b,c, 1.4a,b,c, 2.4b, 3.8c, 4.4a,b,c,d, 5.5b,c
3 Understanding the Food Chain On Level N The food chain, energy pyramid, and food web are explained. Highlights of discussion include predators, prey, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, producers, consumers, decomposers. 3.5, 4.5, 5.5 3.5a,b,c, 4.5c, 5.5b
3 What is This? On Level N-O Rock and mineral are defined, and the formation of the three kinds of rock – igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic – is explained. Examples of the different kinds of fossils are given, and the ways that fossils tell us about the past are explained. 2.5, 3.7, 5.7 2.5d, 3.7c, 5.7a,b,c,d
3 What Kind of Animal? On Level N Definition of vertebrates, detailed descriptions about the five classes of vertebrates: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish K.7, 1.5, 5.5 K.7d, 1.5b,c, 5.5b
3 What Makes It Move? On Level M-N Motion is described in terms of force, net force, speed, distance, mass, and weight. The effects of gravity and friction on motion are also explained. 1.2, 4.2 1.2a,c, 4.2a,b,c,
3 What’s Heavy? Q Many examples are given to demonstrate the concepts of weight, mass, and volume. The story of Archimedes is also presented. 2.3, 3.3, 5.4 2.3a,b, 3.3a,b, 5.4a
3 Where Living Things are Found Below Level J Basic components of ecosystems are defined (environment, population, community, habitat). Examples of ecosystems are described (desert, prairie/grassland, forest). Basic adaptations are identified (instinct, hibernate, migrate, camouflage, mimicry). Human and natural influences that can change ecosystems are explored. 2.5, 3.4, 3.6, 3.10, 4.5 2.5a,b,c, 3.4a,b, 3.6b,c,d, 3.10a,b,c,d, 4.5a,b,d,f
3 Work and Machines Below Level I Work is defined, including force, push, pull. Basic simple machines are identified and described, including plank, fulcrum, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, and screw. 1.2, 3.2 1.2a,c, 3.2a,b,c,d

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Grade 4

Grade Level in Science Fusion Title of Leveled Reader Above/On/Below F&P Guided Reading level Summary SOL Standard Specific Substandard
4 Adaptations Below Level L-M Structural adaptations, behavioral adaptations, comparison of animals/plants today vs. long ago (fossils) 2.5, 3.4, 4.5, 5.7 2.5d; 3.4a,b; 4.5a; 5.7c
4 All About Sound On Grade level P Sound waves, wavelength, frequency, amplitude, pitch, transmission of sound 5.2 5.2b,c
4 Amazing Ecosystems On Grade level P Ecosystems, populations, communities, changes in ecosystems, human impact on ecosystems 2.5, 3.6, 4.5 2.5a,c; 3.6c,d; 4.5b,f
4 Animals and Adaptations On Grade level P-Q Basic needs of animals, structural adaptations, behavioral adaptations, fossils 2.5, 3.4, 4.5, 5.7 2.5d; 3.4a,b; 4.5a; 5.7c
4 Artificial Body Parts Above Level U Levers as it relates to engineering prosthetic devices (hands, arms, fingers), wedges as it relates to engineering dentures, bioengineering 3.2 3.2a,b,d
4 Becoming an Astronaut Above Level U-V Training to be an astronaut, putting a spacecraft into orbit, microgravity, training for microgravity Not in K-5 standards Not in K-5 standards
4 Changes in Matter Below Level M Atoms, elements, physical and chemical changes in matter 3.3, 5.4 3.3b,c; 5.4b,c
4 Changes to Earth’s Surface Below Level L-M Earth’s landforms, how it changes (weathering, erosion, deposition), and fossils 2.5, 5.7 2.5d; 5.7c,d,e,f
4 Changing Matter On Grade level Q-R Atoms, elements, physical and chemical changes in matter, compounds 3.3, 5.4 3.3b,c; 5.4b,c,d
4 Classifying Living Things Below Level M Classifying plants (vascular vs. nonvascular) and animals (vertebrates vs. invertebrates), basic cell structure 5.5 5.5b,c
4 Cycles of Life On Grade level P-Q Heredity, genes, traits, photosynthesis, life cycle of plants (seed vs. spores), life cycle of animals 2.4, 3.8, 4.4 2.4a.b; 3.8b,c; 4.4b,c
4 Detecting Acids and Bases Above Level U Chemicals, chemicals in digestion, acids and bases, testing acids and bases, pH scale, tasting acids and bases Not in K-5 standards Not in K-5 standards
4 Earthquake! Above Level R-S Plate tectonics related to earthquakes, magnitude, major earthquakes in history, 5.7 5.7e
4 Ecosystem Energy On Grade level P Producers, consumers, decomposers, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, food chains, food webs, fossils 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 2.5d; 3.5a,b,c; 4.5c,d
4 Energy Transfer in Ecosystems Below Level M Food chains and food webs and the animal’s role in each 3.5, 4.5 3.5a,b,c; 4.5c,d
4 Extreme Weather Above Level S-T Blizzards, thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts 2.6, 4.6 2.6a; 4.6a,c
4 Eyes in the Sky Above Level U Spaces probes, history of space probes, Mars and Venus probes, asteroids, Voyager, Galileo, and Cassini probes 4.7 4.7a
4 Forces and Motion Below Level M Describing and measuring motion, acceleration, gravity, friction 4.2 4.2a,b,c
4 How Machines Work On Grade level Q-R Work, simple machines (lever, pulley, wheel-and-axle, inclined plane, screw, wedge) 3.2 3.2a,b
4 It’s Alive, but What is It? On Grade level P-Q Bacteria, protists, plants (vascular vs. nonvascular), fungi, animals (vertebrates vs. invertebrates) 5.5 5.5b,c
4 It’s Current! Above Level S History of discovery of electric motor with Hans Christian Oersted (producing magnetism from electricity), history of discovery of generator with Michael Faraday (producing electricity from magnetism) 4.3 4.3e,f
4 It’s Dark Down Here! Above Level U Fluids (air, water), heat conduction in fluids, moving light (reflection, refraction, absorption), how colors appear underwater, underwater photography 5.3 5.3b,d,e
4 Life at the Bottom of the Sea Above Level T Hydrothermal vents ecosystem, how they form (divergent plates), animals, sulfur-based food chains and food webs, how thermal vents were discovered, other extremophiles 3.5, 3.6, 4.5, 5.6, 5.7 3.5a, 3.6a; 4.5a,b,c; 5.6c, 5.7e
4 Life Cycles Below Level M-N Heredity, life cycle of plants (seed vs. spore), life cycle of animals 2.4, 3.8, 4.4 2.4a.b; 3.8b,c; 4.4b,c
4 Light and Heat Below Level N How light behaves (reflection/refraction), how heat is transferred (conduction, convection, radiation), how heat is produced and used 3.11, 5.3 3.11a; 5.3c,d,e
4 Listening by Design Above Level U-V Sound waves (frequency, intensity), echoes, absorbing sound waves, history of Sabine’s work to reduce echoes, designing music halls, noise pollution 5.2 5.2b,d
4 Making and Using Electricity Below Level N Types of electricity, circuits, conductors/insulators, how electricity and magnetism are related, sources of electricity (potential, kinetic, hydroelectric, solar, geothermal energy) 4.2, 4.3 4.2d; 4.3a,b,c,d,e
4 Matter and Its Properties Below Level O Physical properties of matter, changes in states of matter, mixtures and solutions 5.1, 5.4 5.1b; 5.4a,b,e
4 More about Weather and Water On Grade level P Water cycle, hurricanes, air masses, fronts, measuring weather 2.6, 4.6 2.6a,b; 4.6a,b,c
4 Move It! On Grade level P Describing motion, mass and force, gravity and weight, friction 4.2 4.2a,b,c
4 Our Amazing Bodies On Grade level Not given Tissue, body’s systems (digestive, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, skeletal), muscles Health 1.1, 2.1 Health 1.1c; 2.1a,b,c,d,e
4 Our Planet and Beyond On Grade level P Motion of earth and moon, moon phases, planets in the solar system, other objects in the sky 3.8, 4.7, 4.8 3.8a; 4.7a,b; 4.8a,b,c
4 Planets and Other Objects in Space Below Level L Motion of earth and moon, moon phases, planets in the solar system, other objects in the sky 3.8, 4.7, 4.8 3.8a; 4.7a,b; 4.8a,b,c
4 Playing with Machines Above Level S Explaining simple/compound machines (wedge, screw, wheel-and-axle, lever) and sound through a detailed fictional story about a woman making a violin 3.2, 5.2 3.2a,b,c,d; 5.2d
4 Properties of Matter On Grade level P Physical properties of matter, changes in states of matter, mixtures and solutions 5.1, 5.4 5.1b; 5.4a,b,e
4 Rancho La Brea Above Level U-V History of tar pits at Rancho La Brea, fossils (teratorns, dire wolves, saber-toothed cats, mammoths and mastodons, bears and bison) 2.5, 5.7 2.5d; 5.7c
4 Recycle, Reuse Above Level R-S Process of making aluminum cans, plastic bottles, glass bottles, reasons for recycling, how materials are recycled K.11, 1.8, 3.6, 4.5 K.11b; 1.8c; 3.6d; 4.5f
4 Simple Machines Below Level M Lever, pulley, wheel-and-axle, inclined plane, screw, wedge 3.2 3.2a,b,c,d
4 Sound Below Level N What sound is, properties of waves, how sound waves travel 5.2 5.2b,c
4 The Girl in the Photo Above Level U-V Heredity, DNA, genes and chromosomes, genetic disorders Not in K-5 standards Not in K-5 standards
4 The Ground Beneath Your Feet On Grade level Q Landforms, Earth’s layers, changes to landforms (volcanoes, earthquakes, deposition), fossils 2.5, 5.7 2.5d; 5.7c,d,e,f
4 The Human Body Below Level Not given Systems of the body (digestive, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, skeletal) Health 1.1, 2.1 Health 1.1c; 2.1a,b,c,d,e
4 The Journey Home: Reintroducing Endangered Species Above Level U-V Extinctions, human impact on animal populations, examples of reintroducing endangered species (wolves, moose, condors) 4.5 4.5f
4 The Rock Cycle Below Level M Types of rocks, the rock cycle, weathering and erosion, soil 2.7, 3.7, 5.7 2.7b; 3.7a,b,c; 5.7a,b,f
4 The Water Cycle Below Level L The water cycle, how it relates to weather, severe storms, how landforms affect the water cycle, predicting weather (fronts) 2.6, 4.6 2.6a,b; 4.6a,b,c
4 Understanding Ecosystems Below Level L Parts of an ecosystem, factors that affect ecosystems (abiotic vs. biotic), human impact on ecosystems 2.5, 3.6, 4.5 2.5a,c; 3.6c; 4.5b,f
4 Understanding Light and Heat On Grade level P-Q Reflection, transparent/translucent/opaque, refraction, heat transfer (conduction, convection, radiation), sources of heat, how we use heat 3.11, 5.3 3.11a; 5.3c,d,e
4 What are Rocks and Minerals? On Grade level P Types of rocks, the rock cycle, weathering and erosion, soil, types of soil 2.7, 3.7, 5.7 2.7b; 3.7a,b,c; 5.7a,b,f
4 What is Electricity? On Grade level P Circuits (series vs. parallel), conductors vs. insulators, magnets, electromagnets, types of energy (kinetic, potential, chemical, mechanical) 4.2, 4.3 4.2d; 4.3a,b,d,e
4 What is Electricity? On Level P Electricity, magnets, open/closed circuits, conductor/insulator pathways 4.3 4.3a,b,d,e
4 What is It? Discovering and Classifying New Species Above Level S-T History of Linnaeus, classifying animals (kingdom, phylum, class, family, genus, species), naming newly discovered species, changes in classification 5.5 5.5b
4 Where am I? Above Level U Types of maps, how to use a map, latitude, longitude, map projections, topographic maps 4.1, 5.1 4.1l; 5.1j

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Grade K

Grade Level in Science Fusion Title of Leveled Reader Above/On/Below F&P Guided Reading level Summary SOL Standard Specific Substandard
K A Plant Grows On Level C Dig a hole, plant a seed and a plant will grow. There are roots, stem, leaves and flowers. K.6, K.7, K.9, 1.4, 4.4 k.6a,b; k.7c; k.9c; 1.4b; 4.4a
K Above Me On Level D Book looks at what is above me in the sky — the sun, the clouds, the moon and the stars — and what is there during the day compared to the night. K.9, K.10 k.9a; k.10b
K All About Matter Above Level F Explains how matter is everything around you. Explains the differences between solid, liquids and gas. How matter can change — you can heat it, freeze it and the different ways you can measure matter. K.4, K.5, 2.3 k.4b, k.5a; 2.3a
K All About Plants Above Level F Information about plants — what they need to survive and grow. Looks at the plant life cycle and pictures are labeled. Provides information about roots, stems and leaves. K.6, K.7, 1.4, 2.4, 3.8, 4.4 k.6a,b; k.7a,b,c; 1.4b;2.4b, 3.8a; 4.4a
K Animal Coverings Below Level D Pictures of animal coverings with labels attached: fur, feathers, scaly, dry skin, scales, hard shell and smooth, wet skin. K.2, K.4, 3.4 k.4c; k.2b; 3.4b
K Animal Homes Above Level not given All animals have homes. A look at different animals and their homes. Deer in the forest. Bird in the rain forest. Fish in the Ocean. K.7 k.7a
K Animals Change As They Grow On Level B Shows how animals change as they grow by looking at different animal life cycles. Book looks at several different animals who begin life as an egg — parrot, alligator, salamander. And then looks at animals who change as they grow — deer, cow. And, finally, people change as they grow. K.6, K.7, 2.4, 3.8 k.7c; k.6b; 2.4a, 3.8b
K Check the Weather Above Level not given A Look at the changing weather and how you can check the weather –look out the window and maybe use some tools such as thermometer, ruler, rain gauge, wind vane. K.2, K.9, K.10, 2.6, 4.6 k.2 a, b; k.9a; k.10b; 2.6, 4.6b
K Day, Month, Year Above Level not given Looks at the Earth Cycle and how long it takes the earth to turn in a circle and around the sun. Also, looks at how long it takes the moon to move around the Earth. Talks about 4 season in a year and that there is a pattern. K.8, K.9, 1.7, 3.8, 4.8 k.9a; k.8a; 1.7b; 3.8a; 4.8b
K Do Animals Live in Plants? On Level D Animals find homes in plants. Some live in trees and some live in nests. K.6, K.7 k.7a; k.6a
K How Does a Plant Grow? Below Level C Simple text with descriptive pictures. A small seed, root growth, stem growth, leaves grow and a new flower grows. K.6, K.7, K.9, 1.4, 4.4 k.6a, b; k.7c; k.9b and c; 1.4b; 4.4a
K I can sort Below Level D Different ways you can sort things — by color, by size, by shape, by weight, by touch K.2, K.4, 3.3 k.2a, b; k.4 a, b, c, d; 3.3
K Kinds of Weather Below Level B Different kinds of weather: sunny, rainy, windy, snowy and cloudy K.2, K.9, 1.7, 2.6, 4.6 k.9a; k.2 a & b, 1.7c; 2.6; 4.6a
K Look Up! Below Level A Readers look up in the sky and see the clouds, sun, moon, etc. Look at the day sky and the night sky. K.4, 1.7, 3.8, 4.8 k.4 a, b and d; 1.7 b,c; 3.8a; 4.8a
K Measuring Weather On Level not given There are different types of weather — sunny, rainy, windy, snowy. You can dress for the weather and use a thermometer to measure the weather, a rain gauge tells you how much rain has fallen and windsocks tell which way the wind is blowing. We can track the weather. K.9, K.10, 2.7, 4.6 k.9a; k.10b; 2.7a; 4.6b
K Natural Resources Above Level F Natural resources come from nature. Water, Air, Rocks are natural resources. People can reduce trash and recycle. Trash harms our natural resources. K.11, 1.8, 3.1 k.11a, b, c; 1.8a,b,c; 3.10
K Our Earth Below Level B Oceans, Mountains, Desert, River, Valleys K.4, K.10 k.10 a; k.4 b
K Places to Live and Grow Below Level C Places animals and people can live — the ocean, a pond, a forest, a desert, a farm, a zoo and a home. K.2 k.2b;
K Push It or Pull It Above Level not given Looks at how you make things go. You add a force by pushing or pulling it. Pictures show pushing a swing, pushing a wheelbarrow and pulling a wagon. K.3, 1.2 k.3a; 1.2a,c
K Shadows Below Level A Pictures of shadows with simple texts: bike shadow, cat shadow, hand shadow, tree shadow, fence shadow, chair shadow and my shadow K.4, K.8 k.4b; k.8 a,b
K Up and Down On Level A Birds and Kites can fly in the sky but they can also come down. Clouds are in the sky but can’t come down. K.2, K.4 k.4e; k.2b
K Ways Things Move Below Level A A look at movement and how things and people can move. They can move straight, in circles, back and forth, zigzag, curved — in different ways. K.4, 4.2 k.4e; 4.2
K We Get Energy On Level A We eat grains, vegetables, fruits, etc. and they give us energy. We need energy to complete our daily tasks. K.6, K.7 k.6b; k.7a, b
K We Like Water On Level D Ice makes water cold and heat makes water warm. Heat makes water go into the air. We need water. K.5 k.5 a,c
K What Do You See? On Level D Book looks at things in nature — such as caterpillar, pupa, leaves and sticks — and prompts with What do you See? Exploration of butterfly life cycle. K.2, K.6, 2.4, 3.8 k.2b; k.6a,b; 2.4a; 3.8b
K What is a Food Chain Above Level not given Looks at a food chain from pond plant to people. K.6, K.7, 3.5, 4.5 k.7a, b; k.6b; 3.5a,b,c; 4.5c
K Wonderful Earth On Level C What is on the Earth: Mountains, Rivers, Canyons, Deserts, Oceans and Valleys K.2, K.10 k.10a;k.2

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