APS News Release

Superintendent’s Video on Proposed Budget Demonstrates Value of APS

Last night, Superintendent Dr. Pat Murphy presented his FY 2018 proposed budget. The FY18 budget focuses on maintaining investments in meeting the needs of all students – academically, emotionally, physically and socially. In a video that opened his budget presentation, Dr. Murphy shared how the many initiatives that funded over the years and are continued in this year’s budget continue to lead to APS students’ individual growth and success.

All materials related to the FY 2018 Budget, including the FY 2018 budget calendar, the Superintendent’s Proposed Budget and Feb. 23 presentation, and the School Board’s budget priorities are available online. Visitaps2016.apsva.us/engage to provide your feedback and input throughout the process, and use #APSBudget on social media to join the conversation.