iPad: Already Have iPad

If you already have your iPad, and it’s working well, terrific! No further action is required!

You might want to consider “cleaning it up” by removing unnecessary or outdated photos and videos, as well as large files like those created by Garage Band. Click here to read Apple’s instructions on how to do that.

You should also review proper charging and daily care of your device.

If your device has too many apps or has too little storage, it might get “stuck” and become unable to open apps or function properly. Sometimes you can follow these Apple instructions to delete large files, but security on the iPad set up by the Department of Information Services – which Discovery cannot change or control – prevents students from uninstalling apps.

If your iPad has too many apps and/or not enough storage space to work correctly, a Device Wipe is the best way to get the iPad back to operating as good as new. This process erases everything on your iPad, including photos, videos, files, projects, and apps, and sets the iPad back to brand-new condition, like it just came out of the box. After this happens, we set up the iPad again from scratch. The process cannot be undone, so if you forget to back up or save something, it’s gone forever, so be careful.

If you want to do that, click here to read the directions on how to perform a Device Wipe.

The Elementary Online sections of the APS website were created by Keith Reeves of Discovery Elementary School, and shared to assist all of the students of APS.