Facilities and Student Accommodation Plan

FY 2016-25 Arlington Facilities and Student Accommodation Plan

Purpose of the AFSAP

The Arlington Facilities and Student Accommodation Plan (AFSAP) for FY2016-25 provides a comprehensive look at student enrollment and building capacity within Arlington Public Schools. The intent of this document is to provide APS staff with data from which they may make decisions about APS facilities and programs. Specific information about each school is provided, as well as an overall look at enrollment/capacity issues throughout the county.

Information provided includes:

  • Current and projected enrollments by school and grade level
  • Enrollment vs. Capacity Analysis

Areas of concern identified in the analysis of these data are highlighted as decision points and fall into one of two categories: facilities renewals or redistribution of students or programs. 

A .pdf version of the AFSAP can be accessed through the links below:
AFSAP FY2016-25 (Document)

History of the AFSAP

Arlington Public Schools’ Annual Facilities and Student Accommodation Plan (AFSAP) was first published by the Facilities and Operations department in 1998. The AFSAP was published annually from 1998-2001. In 2001, the APS school board and staff decided to publish the document on a two-year cycle, in conjunction with the Capital Improvement Plan process. In 2003 it was renamed the Arlington Facilities and Student Accommodation Plan.

Data Updates and Links

As information is updated and revised, it will be linked in this section.
Useful Links: