
“Differentiated Instruction: The way in which a teacher plans and responds to a variety of student needs in the classroom. Teachers differentiate by modifying the content (what is taught), the process (how it’s taught), and/or the product (how students demonstrate their learning).”  From: Study.com

“Differentiation meets each student where he/she is and maximizes opportunities for success.”
From: Best Practices in Education, Day One Publishing

Arlington Tiered System of Supports (ATSS)
ATSS is a system for meeting the needs of all students. The focus of ATSS is to address the whole child and what supports he or she needs to be successful both academically and social emotionally. The ATSS framework uses the data decision based model in the Professional Learning Communities (PLC), to analyze data, identify students who are in need of remediation or extension and create timely action plans. Focus will be on evidence- based core (Tier 1) instruction with additional Tier 2 and 3 interventions extensions for students who need them to create a unified system of timely responses for all students to achieve success (Buffum, Mattos, &Weber, 2009). A system of interventions for both academic, behavioral, social-emotional needs that can increase intensity and duration will provide necessary help and support for all students to be prepared for college and career. Read more

Virginia Department of Education – Twice Exceptional Interventions Guide