Title I Spotlights

High Quality Instruction Delivered by Expert Faculty

Title I SpotlightsThe APS Title I program strives to ensure that students at all Title I schools in APS have the opportunity to learn from highly qualified classroom teachers and from expert Teacher Specialists. APS and Title I support the implementation of current, research-based, best practices in K-12 education at all APS Title I schools and the Title I program provides and funds additional and sustained professional development to faculty at Title I schools in the form of courses, workshops, conferences, peer dialogue, and the at-elbow support of expert content-area teaching coaches in order to ensure that faculty at participating schools are fully qualified and supported to provide that quality instruction. A key tenet of that quality instruction and the APS Title I program is early and comprehensive intervention, with additional, targeted instruction provided for identified students based on their specific needs and delivered through small group or one-on-one instruction. Together, high quality, engaging instruction and early, comprehensive intervention delivered by expert faculty support academic excellence for all students, close achievement gaps, and motivate students to be lifelong learners.

Family Engagementfather and child

Title I is committed to developing and maintaining strong partnerships with families. When families and schools work together as partners, students are supported in a way that results in greater academic success and helps students develop positive attitudes about themselves and about learning. Title I strives to foster robust communication between schools and families and offers multiple opportunities for families to learn about their children’s instructional programs and activities and to engage as a family with their children’s teachers.

School and Community Partnerships

We are fortunate that there are many members of our community who are passionate about our students’ learning, too! Partnerships with community organizations that share our mission help the Title I program in realizing our shared vision of a high quality education for all children.


Published December 31, 69 5:00PM