TestNav App Check

Download the TestNav app and run the app check to prepare for testing.

  • Open the APS App Catalog and install TestNav. Even if you already have the app install from the app catalog to ensure you have the latest version of TestNav.
APS app catalog   TestNav App Icon
  • Tap on TestNav to open and allow the microphone by clicking ‘OK.’ Wait while TestNav says Preparing iPad for testing. This may take a minute.
TestNav Allow Microphone OK
  • Select ‘Virginia’ from the list
TestNav Select Virginia
  • From the drop down list in the upper right corner select “App check”
TestNav Choose app check
  • Select “Run App Check.” Select “Yes” when asked to Confirm App Self-Lock.
TestNav Run App check
  • Two green check marks should appear.
  • If you do not see two green check marks try the app check again.
    • Close out all your apps.
    • Install again from the app catalog.
    • Be sure you are connected to WiFi and have a strong signal.
    • Restart the iPad and try again.
TestNav Green Checkmarks
  • Tap Run Network Check
  • Tap Start Diagnostic Test. (Leave default of 100 devices) When the Network check finishes, ensure that the Test results show a green Pass sign.
TestNav Green Pass
  • Tap “Back to Sign In” button. Turn up the volume on your iPad. Tap the Test Audio option once and wait.  You should hear a bell like sound.
  • TestNav app check is now complete.
TestNav Audio check