School Board Policies Under Review

APS welcomes community input on our policies as they go through the revision process. The APS Policy Process allows for feedback at three points: Scheduling and Revision Drafting, Public Comment on drafts, Board Consideration on drafts. Please use the navigation links below to jump to specific sections.

All School Board Policies and Policy Implementation Procedures are available on the APS website by visiting the following link:

Public Comment Opportunities on Draft Policies | Draft Policies Being Considered by the School Board for Adoption | Revision Schedule | Recently Adopted Policies

Public Comment on Drafts

Once the drafting and internal stakeholder policy process is complete, policy drafts are made available for 30 days to ensure that all interested stakeholders have an opportunity to provide input. Please click on the policy name (s) below to access the drafts. This transparent process allows for an equitable community feedback stage prior to bringing forth the final draft as an information item at a School Board meeting. Please note that suggestions may be submitted during the comment period. Staff consider all suggestions but do not provide individual responses. The following policies are currently open for comments or were recently open for comments:

Number Policy Title and link to Draft Policy  Anticipated SB Action Comment Period Opens Comment Period Closes To access policy questionnaire(s), click on links below
J-2.1 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Sep 2023 June 20, 2023 July 20, 2023 Provide Feedback
J- Food Services-Vending Machines Sep 2023 June 20, 2023 July 20, 2023 Provide Feedback

After the public comment period closes, there is an additional opportunity to provide feedback when the policy comes forth to the School Board for Information at an upcoming School Board meeting; please see the Board Considerations on Drafts section below for the schedule, or check the meeting agendas on BoardDocs.

School Board Consideration on Drafts

The following draft policies are being considered by the School Board. Draft policies are published in the agenda for the board meetings one week prior to the meeting. Draft policies and track changes from current policies are available in BoardDocs, use the meeting dates to find the appropriate documents. Documents are typically posted one week prior to the meeting. Feedback on policies currently being considered by the School Board should be sent to If proving feedback on a policy posted for public comment, please complete the specific feedback form listed next to the policy above. Please be sure to include the policy you are referencing in your correspondence. Board agendas change frequently, see BoardDocs for the final meeting agendas.

Policy Number Policy Title SB Meeting for Information (draft policies) SB Meeting for Action (draft policies) Retirement/New/ Revised/ Amended
I-4.30 School Year Calendar Aug 17, 2023 Sep 7, 2023 New
I-11.1 Family and Community Engagement Aug 17, 2023 Sep 7, 2023 Revised

Scheduling and Revision Drafting

The following policies are being considered for revision/amendment by the School Board. Hyperlinks to existing policies are provided below for your convenience. Community members are encouraged to review our policy schedule and provide suggested changes or additions to existing policies as we go through the drafting process**. Work on revisions typically begins 6 months prior to anticipated School Board Action, due dates for feedback on existing are established to ensure staff has this feedback prior to beginning the revision. Feedback on existing policies should be submitted by completing the Arlington School Board’s Policy Public Comment Process Form. Please be sure to include the policy you are referencing when completing the form. This list of policies will be revised quarterly.

Policy Number Policy Title Planned Board Action New/ Revised/ Amended** Accompanying PIPs Departments Feedback on Existing Policy Due
B-2 School Board Mar 2024 Revised NONE SB Jul 1, 2023
B-2.1.31 Members Mar 2024 Revised NONE SB Jul 1, 2023
B-2.1.32 Conduct Mar 2024 Revised NONE SB Jul 1, 2023
B-4 School Board Meetings Mar 2024 Revised NONE SB Jul 1, 2023
D-10.1 Purchasing Mar 2024 Revised D-10.1 PIP 1 through 3 FMS Jul 1, 2023
D-10.30 Purchasing-School Board Approval Required on Construction and Non-Construction Contracts Mar 2024 Revised D-10.30 PIP-1 FMS Jul 1, 2023
G-1.2 Staff Electronic Technologies Acceptable Use Mar 2024 Revised NONE HR/IS Jul 1, 2023
J-13 Physical Interventions Mar 2024 Revised J-13 PIP-1 SS Aug 1, 2023
B-2.6.1 Conflicts of Interest Apr 2024 Revised NONE SB Aug 1, 2023
B-3.2 Board Leadership Apr 2024 Revised NONE SB Aug 1, 2023
B-3.7.31 Legislative Liaison Apr 2024 Revised NONE SB Aug 1, 2023
B-8.4 Compensation and Benefits for School Board Members Apr 2024 Revised NONE SB Aug 1, 2023
G-1.8 Financial Interests Apr 2024 Revised NONE HR Aug 1, 2023
I- Addition or Deletion of Courses Apr 2024 Revised I- PIP-1 ACAD Aug 1, 2023
I-11.6.34 Secondary Course Withdrawal Apr 2024 Revised I-11.6.34 PIP-1 ACAD Aug 1, 2023
J-15.31 Reporting Students Enrolled in Programs Apr 2024 Revised NONE SS Aug 1, 2023
K-2.1 Virginia Freedom of Information Act May 2024 Revised K-2.1 PIP-1 SCR Sep 1, 2023
A-6.31 Program Evaluation May 2024 Revised A-6.31 PIP-2 P&E Sep 1, 2023
B-6 School Board Policy Process May 2024 Revised B-6 PIP-1 SB Sep 1, 2023
I-7.1.11 Use of Animals in the Instructional Program May 2024 Revised I-7.1.11 PIP-1 ACAD Sep 1, 2023
M-12 Technology May 2024 Revised M-12 PIPs 1,2,5,7,9,&10 IS Sep 1, 2023
M-12.1 Technology Infrastructure May 2024 Revised M-12.1 PIPs 1&2 IS Sep 1, 2023
M-12.2 Technology Systems May 2024 Revised M-12.2 PIPs 1 through 3 IS Sep 1, 2023
M-12.3 Technology Equipment May 2024 Revised NONE IS Sep 1, 2023
E-7.1.1 Use of Copyrighted Resources Jun 2024 Revised E-7.1.1 PIP-1 HR Oct 1, 2023
I-11.6.30 Graduation, Promotion, Retention Jun 2024 Revised I-11.6.30 PIPs 1&2 ACAD Oct 1, 2023

Recently Adopted Policies*Policy was paused partway through the revision work. Work will resume at the step in the process where it left off.
** Amended policies are updated for purposes such as changes in the Code of Virginia, updating references, renumbering/retitling, changing proper nouns in the content of the policy, etc. Amended policies are not available for public comment prior to the information/action steps in the revision process.

Recently Adopted School Board Policies

The School Board has recently adopted the following policies.

Policy Number Policy Title & link to Newly Adopted Policy SB Adoption Date
D-31 Financial Management-Capital Financial Management 6/8/23
G-1.30 Human Resources Goals 6/8/23
J-5.3.2 Home Instruction 4/27/23
J-15.32 Records Management 4/27/23
F-2 Facilities and Operations Goals 4/13/23
I- Exemplary Projects 4/13/23
D-30 Financial Management-Financing Construction and Site Acquisition 3/30/23
J-5.3.1 Homeless Education Services 3/30/23
J-15.33 Student Identification Cards 3/30/23
I- High School Credit at the Middle School 3/30/23
D-1.33 Community Activities Fund 3/2/23
D-2 Financial Management-Budget 3/2/23
D-9 Internal Audit 3/2/23
J-14 Student Fees, Fines, and Charges 3/2/23
K- School and Police Relations 3/2/23
G-1.4 Acceptable Use of Social Media by Employees 2/16/23
K- Cooperation with Juvenile Court 2/16/23
A-3 Nondiscrimination 9/22/22
K-2.5 Internet Privacy 9/22/22
B-3.6.37 Electronic Participation in School Board Advisory Committee Meetings 8/18/22
B-4.4 Electronic Participation in Meetings by Individual Members 8/18/22
E-4.3.30 Use of School Equipment 8/18/22
E-4.3.31 Telecommunication Facilities on School Property 8/18/22
E-5.1 Student Transportation Services 8/18/22
I-5 Opening Exercises 8/18/22
I-8.2 Class Size 8/18/22

*The information and dates above are subject to change.

For additional information or questions, contact the Director of Policy and Legislative Affairs Steven Marku at