iPad Initial Configuration

Overview on how to configure your iPad from the beginning:

(For more detailed directions, please go to this link: https://aps2016.apsva.us/esonline/ipad-initialization/)


  • Press the home button when you see Hello -> tap English -> tap United States.
  • Tap Set Up Manually -> Tap APS for WiFi.   Type in your username (Student ID) and password. Tap  Join. In the next window, tap on Trust.
  • If you are configuring this at home, tap on your home WiFi name. Then type in your home WiFi password.
  • Tap Continue for Data & Privacy and Next for Remote Management (upper right).
  • Type in your username and password and tap on Next.
  • Tap Continue (for Keep Your iPad Up to Date) -> Tap Enable Location Services -> Tap on Set up Later in Settings (for Siri)-> Tap Set up Later in Settings (for Screen Time) -> Continue (2 times). Then Get Started.
  • Wait until Global Protect and Hub apps automatically appear!  If you are prompted to setup the home screen tap Dismiss when it appears. If no apps download, go to App Catalog and install Global Protect and Intelligent Hub.
  • Open the Hub app. For location pop up tap Allow While Using App, type in your username, password, and Sign In. Then tap: I understand then I Agree. Press the Home button. Open the Settings app, scroll down to Privacy on the left, tap Location Services on the right. Tap on Hub in the list of apps and select Always. You should see a blue checkmark beside Always.
  • Press the Home button and open the Global Protect app -> tap Tap to Connect. You may see a spinning circle but VPN will only appear at the top of the iPad outside of APS wifi.
  • For first time in school year: Launch StudentVue app. Follow these directions to log into app and agree to APS Acceptable Use Policy.
  • Press Home button, Go to Settings, Passcode, Turn Passcode On, and create a Passcode.
    • Make sure to write down this Passcode somewhere safe and share it with a parent.