Install and Update Apps – iPads

The APS issued iPads come pre-installed with a rich suite of core Apps used across the division. Depending on your child’s school or teacher, you or your child may be asked install some additional apps. Also, new versions of existing are frequently released by vendors, so you may be asked to update the version of an app. All of the Apps in the APS App Catalog have been vetted for instructional value and student data privacy.


Open the App Catalog on the iPad  AppCatalog

Find the app in the App Catalog list  AppCatalog

Click the app and select ‘Install’  install

Click ‘Install’ again  install

You will see ‘Processing’ processing

Press the Home Button. The new or updated app will turn grey and gradually return to full-color as the app is updating. loading

You will see a blue dot next to the app name if the app installed or updated correctly. bluedot