Canvas App – Discussion

The following directions are for a Discussion in the Canvas app.

  • The Discussion Details page displays information about your assignment. Read the discussion information.
  • Click on the Reply link.
Canvas app discussion
  • Tap in the message space and use the pop up keyboard to type or tap the microphone key to speak or dictate your response.

Canvas app reply

TapDictation microphone symbol to dictate your response

  • If you teacher allows discussion attachments in your course you will see the following options:
    • Tap the Paperclip to attach files, audio or video to your Reply.
    • Record Audio: Tap the Record Audio link to record an audio file. Tap the red circle to record and the red square to stop. Then tap Send to submit the recording. Click OK if prompted to access the microphone.
    • Use Camera: Tap the Camera link to take a photo or record a short video. Click OK if prompted for access to the Camera. Tap on Photo then the white circle to snap a photo. Tap on Video then the red circle to record and the red square to stop. Tap Use Video to submit the recording.
    • Upload File: Tap the Upload File link to upload a file from your device.
    • Photo Library: Tap the Photo Library to upload a previously taken photo from photos on your device.

TapCanvas attach paperclip link

canvas app discussion attachments

  • The circle with a number on the paperclip indicates the number of attached items. Click Send to submit.
Canvas app discussion send link
  • The posted reply will appear with a date and time stamp. If your teacher allows students to reply to other posts in the discussion click the Reply link under posts from classmates to reply or comment on their posts.
Canvas app discussion reply posted

For more information see How to Reply to a Discussion in the iOS app in the Canvas Guides.