AsTech Team

AsTech is a multi-discipline who provides assistive technology service and equipment for students with disabilities in the Arlington Public Schools. The team members participate on a part-time basis in addition to other job responsibilities. The team meets bimonthly to discuss cases and brainstorm ideas for assistive technology based solutions for students with disabilities.

The team provides training and in-services to students, staff members and parents. We work directly with teachers, students, and parents to support the IEP team in considering Assistive Technology as a part of the IEP process.

AsTech Specialists

Lauren Kravitz Bonnet, Ph.D., CCC- SLP
Assistive Technology Specialist

Marbea Tammaro, MEd, OTR/L
Assistive Technology Specialist

Sandra C. Stoppel, OTR/L
Occupational Therapist
703-228-2800 * 97428