Advisory Council General Application

If you are interested in finding out more about a particular advisory group or committee, attend a committee meeting. All meetings are open to the public, and all citizens are welcome to attend regardless of whether they have children enrolled in Arlington Public Schools.  The Arlington School Board welcomes your participation and invites you to serve your community by joining an advisory group or committee.

Service Requirement: It is a general policy of the School Board to limit advisory group appointments to citizens maintaining residences within Arlington County. Citizens not living in the County, but who work or own a business here or have a special expertise on a subject matter, may be considered for appointment at the discretion of the School Board.

You may send a resume or other additional information as appropriate by e-mail to or mail to School Board Clerk, Arlington School Board, 2110 Washington Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22204.

Please call 703-228-6015 with any questions.

To apply to the Advisory Council on Teaching & Learning (ACTL) (formerly ACI), Advisory Council on School Facilities and Capital Programs (FAC), or Budget Advisory Council (BAC), please visit School Board Advisory Councils and Committees.