Canvas App – Media Recording

The following directions are for a Media Recording Assignment in Canvas.

  • The Assignment Details page displays information about your assignment.
  • At the top of the page is the Assignment title and the number of points. Next is the due date and the Submission Type which will say Media Recording for this type of assignment.  Then the student will see the number of attempts allowed and the Attempts Used.
Canvas app media recording detaisl
  • If there is a Rubric for the assignment students can see the details by clicking on Submission and Rubric. Under Description students will see details added by the teacher. When ready students click Submit Assignment.
Canvas App Text Entry Description
  • In the pop up window there are five icons along the bottom.
    • Tap the Audio icon to record an audio file. Tap the red circle to record and the red square to stop. Then tap Send to submit the recording. Click Allow if prompted to to allow the microphone.
    • Tap the Camera icon to record a short video. Tap the red circle to record and the red square to stop. Tap Use Video to submit the recording. Click Allow if prompted to allow the Camera app.
    • Tap the Library icon to select a previously recorded video.
    • Tap the Files icon to use a file already on the device.
    • Tap the Scanner to scan multiple pages or photos. Tap the white circle to capture the image. Press the white circle for each scan needed. Tap Save to submit the scan.
  • When finished click Submit in the top right.

Canvas app media recording window

Canvas app media recording closeup

For more information see How to submit a Media File for an Assignment in the iOS app in the Canvas Guides.