FY 2020 Adopted Budget

FY 2020 Adopted Budget at a Glance

The School Board’s FY 2020 Adopted Budget totals $669.6 million which is a 4.6 percent increase over the FY 2019 Adopted Budget.

FY 2020 School Board’s Adopted Budget

Total Adopted Budget:  $669.6 million
Projected Enrollment:  28,510
Cost per Pupil:  $19,921
Revenue Expenditures
County Transfer: 79.5% Schools: 82.8%
State: 12.2% Instructional Support: 3.7%
Federal: 2.4% Facilities & Operations: 8.0%
Local: 3.7% Management & Support Services: 4.9%
Other: 2.2% Leadership: 0.6%

Enrollment Highlights

Enrollment is expected to increase 1,074 students from September 2018 to September 2019 for a total enrollment of 28,510.

Revenue Highlights

County revenue increases by $31.8 million in FY 2020. This results from the School’s share of increased local tax revenue and $9.9 million in one-time revenue, resulting from the additional one and a half cent tax increase for schools.

Beginning balance, or carry-forward, remains at $3.5 million, the same amount as in the FY 2019 Adopted Budget.

Funding reserves decreases $10.2 million due to the difference in the reserve funds included in the FY 2019 budget and the reserve funds included in the FY 2020 budget.

State revenue increases $5.3 million or 7.0%, primarily due to increased enrollment, sales tax, and additional funding for special education.

Federal revenue increases $0.9 million or 5.9%, due to an increase in IDEA and anticipated increases in funding for Food and Nutrition Services from the National School Lunch program.

Local revenue from fees, charges, and grants is expected to increase by $1.4 million or 6.1% for FY 2020 based on historical trends and increased revenue due to increased participation in the Food and Nutrition Services and Extended Day programs as well as additional revenue from the County for the Aquatics Program.

Expenditure Highlights

Funding has been provided for:

  • An additional 68.00 positions plus materials and supplies for enrollment growth
  • A step increase for eligible employees and salary scale adjustments for positions identified in the compensation study as being under market
  • Increased debt service based on the anticipated Spring 2019 bond sale

New investments were kept to a minimum in the FY 2020 budget and address the School Board’s budget direction to include funding to support the growth of our school system. These new investments total $1.7 million and 12.00 positions, and include:

  • Funding for 5.00 technicians to provide hardware and software support to schools and central office
  • Additional funding to address student discipline and alternatives to suspension
  • Business and operations supports in order to provide additional central office assistance for staff as the school division continues to grow
  • Funding for Chief Diversity Officer and Partnership Coordinator positions
  • Funding for compensation and budget studies
  • Funding for transportation needs including an ART Bus Pilot and transportation to the Outdoor Lab
  • One-time funds to restore 2.00 Montessori Instructional Assistants and the Assistant Director of Assessment

Funding has also been provided to continue several growth initiatives begun in the FY 2017 and FY 2018 budgets, which total $4.1 million and 27.70 positions, and include:

  • Expanding Arlington Tech at the Career Center
  • Safety and security needs for school buildings
  • Student and instructional support in the form of additional psychologists and social workers
  • Infrastructure and support needed in order to provide central support to students and staff including increasing the number of full-time bus drivers and bus attendants

The opening of new schools and programs is fully funded in the FY 2020 adopted budget and totals $3.9 million in one-time costs, $6.5 million in ongoing costs and 72.40 positions.

In order to address the budget shortfall in FY 2020, reductions and changes in service delivery were made totaling $11.3 million and eliminating 31.70 positions. These include:

  • Adjusting the salary base for current and on board employees
  • Using one-time funds for Minor Construction/Major Maintenance
  • Reducing central office accounts by $2.9 million and 6.00 positions
  • Reducing school-based positions by $0.3 million and 3.50 positions
  • Increasing revenue $0.03 million by increasing student parking fees
  • Revising the elementary summer school model
  • Changing the worker’s compensation benefit
  • Implementing class size increases that were postponed with one-time funds in FY 2019

FY 2020 Budget Development

FY 2020 School Board’s Adopted Budget

May 9, 2019

Budget Questions

FY 2020 School Board’s Proposed Budget

April 12, 2019

April 11, 2019

FY 2020 Superintendent’s Proposed Budget

February 28, 2019


Budget Development Process

Learn more about the budget process with this short video:

Budget Work Sessions

Work sessions start at 7:00 p.m. and are held at the Syphax Education Center unless otherwise noted below.  Work sessions are open to the public but no comments are accepted.

FY 2020 Budget Work Sessions Schedule
Watch School Board Work Sessions live and view past work sessions.

February 28, 2019 Budget Work Session #1 Agenda/Materials
March 12, 2019 Budget Work Session #2 Agenda
Employee Advisory Group
March 19, 2019 Budget Work Session #3 Agenda
March 26, 2019 Budget Work Session #4 Agenda
April 2, 2019 Budget Work Session #5 Agenda
BAC Materials
ACI Materials
April 9, 2019 Budget Work Session #6 Agenda
May 7, 2019 Budget Work Session #7 Agenda