School Board Meeting June 7, 2018

Minutes for the June 7, 2018 Meeting

Part 2:

Part 1:

Opening: Presentation of Colors: Arlington Career Center AFJROTC Cadet Corps 0:00:00
Recognition: JROTC Recognition Part 1 0:01:54

Part 2:

Recognition: JROTC Recognition Part 2 0:00:00
Recognition: APS Retirees 0:00:48
Recognition: Student Advisory Board Annual Report 0:27:08
Announcements 0:36:00
Consent Items 0:48:45
Citizen Comment on Non-Agenda Items 0:49:08
Monitoring Item: Elementary Planning Initiative Update 0:57:27
Monitoring Item: Annual Report of the Advisory Council on Instruction (ACI) 1:37:37
Action Item: Superintendent’s Recommended 2018-2024 Strategic Plan 1:52:31
Action Item: Revision of School Board Policy 20-3.400 Family Life Education 2:33:31
Action Item: Revision of School Board Policy 20-3.600 High School Credit at Middle School 2:36:53
Information Item: Revision of School Board Policy 20-1.9 Locally Awarded Verified Credit 2:38:15
Action Item: Revision of School Board Policy 50-1.10 Naming of Facilities 2:57:01
Action Item: Change to Guaranteed Maximum Price for the New School at Wilson 4:13:46
Information: School Board’s Proposed 2019-2028 Capital Improvement Plan 4:19:07
Information: Proposed School Board Policy 40-3.1 Unpaid Meal Charges 5:23:42
Information: Revision of School Board Policy 25-1.12 School Hours/Compulsory Attendance 5:27:41
Information: License Agreement for Historic Markers at the Drew Property 5:33:20
Information: Contract Amendment for Architecture and Engineering Services for the Yorktown High School Internal Modifications 5:41:53
Information: Verizon Easement for Barrett Elementary School 5:44:21