School Board Meeting May 31, 2018

Minutes for the May 31, 2018 Meeting

Due to a power outage, there were some technical issues with the broadcast during the meeting. Therefore, it is displayed in 3 parts.

Part 2:

Part 3:


Part 1:
Opening 0:00:00
Recognition: APS 2018 Honored Citizens 0:02:07
Recognition: APS Transportation Champions 0:37:43
Announcements 1:02:40
Consent Items 1:02:40
Citizen Comment on Non-Agenda Items 1:06:40
Monitoring Item: Report on Superintendent’s Committee on Immigration and Refugee Concerns (1 of 3) 1:19:01
Part 2:
Monitoring Item: Report on Superintendent’s Committee on Immigration and Refugee Concerns (2 of 3) 0:00:00
Part 3:
Monitoring Item: Report on Superintendent’s Committee on Immigration and Refugee Concerns (3 of 3) 0:00:00
Monitoring Item: Minority Achievement Update 0:32:48
Action Item: License Agreement for Parking at Buck Property 1:05:08
Information Item: Change to Guaranteed Maximum Price for the New School at Wilson 1:31:28
Information Item: English/Language Arts Briefing Report 1:36:16
Information Item: Revision of School Board Policy 20-3.400 Family Life Education 2:13:54
Information Item: Revision of School Board Policy 20-3.600 High School Credit at Middle School 2:16:47
Information Item: Revision of School Board Policy 50-1.10 Naming of Facilities 2:24:19