School Board Meeting June 21, 2018

Minutes for the June 21, 2018 Meeting

For closed captions, click the “CC” button in the bottom toolbar of the video window once the meeting starts (if you don’t see the toolbar, click once in the video window).

Meeting Agenda:

Opening: Pledge of Allegiance 0:00:00
Recognition: Student Recognitions 0:01:01
Announcements 0:26:28
Consent Items 0:43:00
Citizen Comment on Non-Agenda Items 0:58:00
Monitoring Item: Annual Report: Advisory Council on School Facilities and Capital Programs (FAC) and Staff Response 1:21:25
Monitoring Item: Annual Report: Annual Report of the Budget Advisory Council (BAC) and Staff Response 1:40:04
Monitoring Item: Report from the Friends of the Planetarium 1:50:33
Monitoring Item: Internal Audit Annual Report 2:02:45
Action Item: School Board’s Adopted 2019-2028 Capital Improvement Plan and Bond Resolutions 2:21:30
Action Item: Proposed School Board Policy 40-3.1 Unpaid Meal Charges 3:01:19
Action Item: Revision of School Board Policy 25-1.12 School Hours/Compulsory Attendance 3:03:00
Action Item: Proposed School Board Policy 25-3.6 Use of Service Animals in Schools 3:04:22
Action Item: Contract Amendment for Architecture and Engineering Services for the Yorktown High School Internal Modifications 3:07:58
Information Item: Construction Change Order for the Career Center Internal Modifications 3:10:44
Information Item: Amended Adopted FY 2019 Budget (Promoted to Action) 3:17:47
Information Item: Transfer of Bond Premium to Capital Reserve 3:22:43