Home Address Confirmation Process (HACP)

The deadline to submit all HACP documents was March 15, 2023. Student for whom documents were not submitted have been flagged for withdrawal for the 2023-24 school year. Families are still able to submit documents to complete HACP by visiting the Submitting Documents section below. Please submit any outstanding HACP documents as soon as possible to avoid having your student(s) officially withdrawn from APS effective May 15, 2023. Information on student withdrawals is available on the FAQs. For assistance, please contact your student’s school or the APS Welcome Center for assistance at 703-228-8000 (Select Option 2) or registration@apsva.us.

HACP Documents | Submitting Documents | Complex Living Situations | Resources | Contact Information


Arlington Public Schools (APS) is launching the Home Address Confirmation Process (HACP) to verify the home address of fifth and eighth grade students in preparation for the 2023-24 school year. This new process will allow APS to maintain accurate student records and to comply with Virginia law and our admissions policy.

In the past, APS has conducted home address checks as necessary, but this process ensures address checks occur consistently for all students at major school transition points.

APS is now requiring current fifth and eighth grade families to resubmit or update the home address documents they initially provided during registration, as listed below. The deadline to submit these documents is March 15, 2023.

This new process allows APS to do the following:

  • Ensure we have accurate records for each student on file;
  • Identify students with complex living circumstances so that our staff can provide extra resources and assistance, as needed;
  • Occurs at a time when students are preparing to transition to a new school for the upcoming school year;
  • Provides a fair and consistent process to ensure students reside within Arlington; and
  • Ensures we are managing and allocating our resources as efficiently as possible to best serve our students in accordance with Virginia Code: § 22.1-3 and APS School Board Policy J-5.3.30 Admissions.

Once all documents are submitted to your school, a staff member will follow up with you within 10 business days to confirm your documents were received and if additional information is needed to confirm your home address. You can also confirm when your information has been updated by checking in ParentVUE.

If documents are not received by March 15, 2023, or if there are complexities for which support is needed, APS will work with those families to provide assistance and resolve issues. If your home address is unable to be confirmed by May 15, 2023, staff will withdraw your student, and all siblings, for the 2023-24 school year and provide resources to help you enroll in the school system where you currently live.

Students will not be withdrawn for the current school year – this only affects the 2023-24 school year. Families of students who were withdrawn, but later establish residency in Arlington, may re-enroll in APS.

Home Address Confirmation Process (HACP) Documents

APS requires the same documents we requested during the initial registration process. Schools will not request documents confirming U.S. citizenship, social security information, or any other citizenship documents. This process is only to confirm that students attending APS currently live in Arlington County, and APS will not disclose or report any information provided to other organizations, leasing companies, government bodies, or housing authorities. 

Please Note: All submissions require a primary document and two supporting documents from the list below.

Primary Documents

Owning a Home

Leasing a Home

  • Current Lease Agreement from building owner (must be signed by both tenant & landlord)

Alternative Living Situations – Residential Affidavit

  • Form A – Proves Arlington residency (filled out by the parent/guardian, who is an Arlington resident)
  • Form B – A current deed or lease agreement (filled out by the person on the official lease)

Supporting Documents

Required to Submit Two of the Following to Confirm Current Address

  • Current federal, state or property tax return
  • Current payroll or withholding statement
  • Vehicle registration
  • Current utility bill (Gas, Electric, Water)
  • Valid Virginia driver’s license with current address
  • Financial assistance documentation from Arlington County

Submitting Documents

Families can submit their documents one of two ways:

Online Submission

Families should only use the secure upload website for privacy and information security reasons and should never send documents through email. Families will receive an email from the school’s registrar once their documents have been received and recorded in the system. Documents should be submitted by using the secure upload website.

Submit Documents Online
(Please Read Instructions Before Uploading Documents)

The following links provide step-by-step instructions on how to upload documents online: English | አማርኛ (Amharic) | عربى (Arabic) | монгол хэл (Mongolian) | Español (Spanish)

Upload Instructions
Please label uploads as the following:

  • Name Field: Enter the student’s first and last name, student ID, and school
  • Email Address Field: Enter the parent’s/guardian’s email address. If you do not have an email address, enter the student’s ID and@apsva.us. Example:1234567@apsva.us
  •  Company (Optional Field): Enter the parent’s/guardian’s preferred phone number.


Families may submit their documents in person at their student’s school or the APS Welcome Center located at the Syphax Education Center (2110 Washington Blvd.)

Complex Living Situations

One example of a complex living situation is unhoused families or families experiencing homelessness. This is based on the permanence and adequacy of their living situation, which includes living in a hotel, moving from residence to residence, or living with relatives and friends. Families designated as unhoused are entitled to protections under the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.

There are additional living situations that may be considered complex and need to be reviewed by staff. We encourage families to contact your student’s school or the APS Welcome Center for assistance and additional information.


For additional information or questions, please contact your student’s school or the APS Welcome Center for assistance at 703-228-8000 (Select Option 2) or registration@apsva.us.