APS News Release

Two APS Teachers Renew National Board Certification

nbct - logoThe National Board for Professional Teaching Standards recently announced that two APS instructional staff renewed their National Board Certification.

  • Evan Glasier (Yorktown High School) – World Languages Other Than English/Early Adolescence Through Young Adulthood
  • Kristen Johnston (Washington-Liberty High School) – Science/Adolescence and Young Adulthood

National Board Certification is a public assurance that teachers have met the profession’s highest standards for accomplished practice. It also signifies that teachers are up to date on the knowledge and best practice in their certificate area.

National Board Renewal is different from initial certification, which is a voluntary assessment program that recognizes, encourages and rewards teachers to strive for excellence. While state licensing systems set basic requirements to teach, teachers who earn National Board Certification have successfully demonstrated advanced teaching knowledge, skills and practices as determined by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. Candidates who have submitted for initial certification will find out if they achieved certification by the end of December 2020.