APS News Release

Swanson Students Complete Page Program with VA House of Delegates

delegateTwo students at Swanson Middle School recently finished an 11-week program as pages with the Virginia House of Delegates. This selective program welcomes eighth and ninth-grade students to Richmond from across the commonwealth to learn about the legislative process and assist the House of Delegates. Chandani Rathod and Jacqueline Ake were the only two students chosen from Arlington County. Both students said the experience was amazing and that they came away from the program with in-depth knowledge of the legislative process.

“It was so interesting working in the Chamber and being able to observe as Delegates debated bills and spoke about topics that affect their constituents,” Chandani said. “You were able to be in the middle of the action as bills passed and failed.  I learned so much about how legislation passes such as how bills have to go through committee before they are introduced on the floor.”

Jacqueline said her favorite part of the program was the page debate. “The pages participated in a fake floor session where we proposed our own bills and resolutions.  My bill, which passed, gave more educational funding to poorer schools, Jacqueline said. “I truly enjoyed being a Virginia House Page, and I would recommend it to all interested.”

Click here to learn more about the page program.