APS News Release

School News Roundup — Dec. 6

ASFS BtterflyASFS Hosts Sculpture Artist
On Mon, Oct. 28, sculpture artist Andrew Mallon visited ASFS and transformed a tree stump in the school courtyard into a lightning bolt sculpture (the school’s unofficial mascot). To connect with his process of working with found materials in nature, art teachers Ms. Garfield and Ms. Suarez had students go outside to collect rocks, leaves, sticks, and other natural materials. Students observed other artists that use natural materials such as Andy Goldsworthy, and worked in groups to create ephemeral art  with the materials they collected.

YHS Beverage CartPatriot Perk
Students in the Yorktown High School Functional Life Skills program demonstrate their budding entrepreneurial spirits, opening a school-based breakfast beverage service for staff! Patriot Perk offers a great selection of hot beverages with complimentary add-ins, which are delivered personally by students to staff every Monday morning. Every facet of the operation, from taking orders to the behind the scenes operations of inventory and deliveries, is managed by students in the Life Skills program. Hands-on vocational experiences are enriching and great preparation for life after high school. Employment can offer students with disabilities structure, stability, purpose, connectedness to the community, and enhance independence. This service provides students with relevant job experience and helps them develop skills related to communication, customer service, teamwork, efficiency, problem-solving, cash management, and more!This program is coordinates by Life Skills Teachers Sarah Wilson and Ian Cardenas.

Long BranchThe Return of Mrs. Chacon
Long Branch’s amazing librarian returned to school this week after a long and grueling eight month battle with cancer. Jennifer Chacon is the definition of perseverance. Not only is she crucial to all students and their education here at Long Branch, she is an example of determination and never giving up no matter the obstacles or odds in your way! Below are some of our students ideas on what perseverance means, as well as what they missed most about Mrs. Chacon.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Paige: To me perseverance means even when its really hard, you keep going and keep trying. Mrs. Chacon is now here and she is okay and I am really glad to have her back! What I missed most about Mrs. Chacon is that she has these toy pigs that make noises. And last year before she left we started to sing song with the pigs. We used all of the pigs to sing “jingle bells” and “hot cross buns.” I missed being able to talk to her about anything. She was someone who was always there for me. I am so happy she is back! When Mrs. Chacon and Mrs. Chamness were in the library together, they made the library a better place with all the stories they told together.
Claire: Perseverance means when something happens but you’re able to push through it in success. Maybe not always success, but you tried. What I missed most about Mrs. Chacon is how funny she is and all the warm-hearted laughter she brings to the school. It’s so fun to be around here. She makes library and reading so much fun too! She is also really understanding.
Arvand: Perseverance to me means she never gave up and held in there. She kept going. I hope she always thought about the good things that were happening. She was always thinking on the bright side. What I missed most was definitely her doing funny accents of the characters voices in the books that she read to us during the library. I also missed going her after school and having her support whenever I needed it!

Barcroft Fire DepartmentACFD Visits Even Start Students
The Arlington Fire Department visited APS’s Even Start Family Literacy Program; and preschoolers at Barcroft also enjoyed the visit. An emergency situation can be very stressful especially to young children and English language learners. The Arlington Fire Department hoped to ease fears by showing families and preschoolers the lights and sounds that a fire truck might make. A fire department first responder may look frightening wearing the uniform and gear needed to fight a fire. An Arlington firefighter showed children how each piece of protective clothing and gear are added but was sure to show the children that a friendly face was beneath the equipment. Children and parents climbed up into the fire truck and see the ladders fully extended.

Academic Academy Poetry SlamAcademic Academy Poetry Slam
On Fri, Nov. 22, Academic Academy students participated in a poetry slam event to share their stories with students and staff. The program was attended by Interim Superintendent Cintia Johnson, Acting Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services, Dr. Jeannette Allen, and Chief of Staff, Julia Burgos, who judged the poetry slam and awarded prizes. This yearly event was a celebration of students successes and concluded with a shared Thanksgiving luncheon.

ACC PieCulinary Arts Thanksgiving Pie Fundraiser
Students in the ACC Culinary Arts and Sciences program officially sold out of pies during their annual Thanksgiving pie fundraiser. Students baked 500 delicious pies for staff and students to enjoy during their holiday celebrations. All funds generated from the pie sales go toward the cost of student culinary uniforms.

padres comprometidosPadres Comprometidos Graduation
Participants in the Padres Comprometidos program celebrated their final meeting and graduation on Tue, Nov. 19. From the NCLR website:“Padres Comprometidos is a parent engagement program whose primary goal is the fostering of a strong connection between schools and parents. The program builds the capacity of Latino parents to acquire the skills they need to effectively engage with schools and play a leading role in preparing their children for college. The program addresses language and culture as assets—rather than obstacles—upon which skills, confidence, and, ultimately, empowerment, are built.” The ACC chapter for Padres Comprometidos was co-sponsored by the Office of Equity and Excellence and EduFuturo.

ACPD Latino Role ModelsACPD Latino Role Models Mentor EL Institute Students
On Nov. 19, Latino members of the Arlington County Police Department visited with students in the English Learners Institute to provide mentorship. Students had an opportunity to sit and talk with officers in small groups and learn about their role in the community.

VA Junior CLassical LeagueAPS students elected to lead Virginia Junior Classical League
Arlington students Savvy Thompson (W-L) and Jack Purple (YHS) have been elected to the Executive Board of the Virginia Junior Classical League for 2019-20, as President and First Vice President, respectively. Both Thompson and Purple are serving second terms on the VJCL board. Their achievements are a testament to the excellent teaching and support they have received from their Latin teachers Nora Kelly (W-L) and Brianna McHugh (YHS), as well as the support of the W-L and Yorktown administrations and the APS World Languages Department. The Junior Classical League is a national organization of high school students who study Latin, Greek, and the classical humanities. The Virginia Junior Classical League has over 4000 members and has been promoting service and the Classics across the Commonwealth for over 60 years. This year, in addition to the organization’s regular schedule of events, Virginia will be hosting the annual National Junior Classical League Convention at the University of Richmond in July 2020. Yorktown also won first place in the spirit competition in the large delegation category as well as 30 top ten placements in academic, creative, and graphic categories!

Tuckahoe Cardboard NightTuckahoe Cardboard Night
Tuckahoe students created wearables at the school’s third annual Cardboard Night. Students, teachers, and families came together to put their creativity and engineering skills to the test as they sought to create something they could wear entirely out of cardboard. This is an event the school will look forward to for years to come.

Sheep Shearing at KenmoreSheep Shearer Visits Kenmore
Art students at Kenmore Middle School have been engaged in an in-depth experience with felting under the direction of art teacher Jeffrey Wilson. Award winning and professional sheep shearer Emily Chamelin-Hickman of Westminster, MD came to speak to Kenmore art students about sheep shearing and give students a demonstration on Nov. 21. Student had the opportunity to meet the sheep up close before Chamelin-Hickman demonstrated how to shear the sheep. Chamelin-Hickman described the different kinds of sheep and the characteristics of each and she explained why shearing is an important part of their care. She also had examples different kinds of wool that students could feel and discussed what each type is typically used for. Over the last month, students have not only been learning how to felt, but using the felt they have made to design and create functional items such as purses and pouches.  After learning how to felt, students became interested in the raw materials used in felting such as sheep and Alpaca wool. Their teacher acquired these raw materials and the students learned to wash and dye it for their projects. Seeing their interest, Wilson contacted amelin-Hickman who is well-known Internationally for her sheep shearing skills and owns her own sheep farm. He invited Camelin-Hickman to come to Kenmore to share about her work and do a sheep shearing demonstration. Wilson felt this experience would help students understand the full cycle wool must go through before coming a part of a felted piece of artwork.

Barrett Academic-Parent TeamsAPTT (Academic Parent Teacher Teams) at Barrett
On Nov. 14th, PreK and kindergarten families were invited to come to a special evening event. It started with dinner where families had chance to eat some delicious food and exchange conversation about home and school life. Then parents came together in their child’s classroom with their child’s teacher to learn about ways to work together as a team to help their students thrive. Parents were given an opportunity to review their student’s academic progress and set goals for their children. Teachers modeled games with families that can be played at home to strengthen academic skills. This event had an awesome turnout and we can’t wait for the next one that we will have in the spring. To view photos of APTT in action, go to https://twitter.com/search?q=%23KWBPride%20APTT&src=typed_query&f=live.

Ashlawn Space WalkAshlawn Eagles Watch Spacewalk Live
Ashlawn 4th grade teacher Amy Slavin and her class watched the NASA spacewalk live that drew gasps from her Eagles during science class. NASA astronaut Drew Morgan and the European Space Agency’s Luca Parmitano conducted a spacewalk to fix the aging and ailing Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS), which has been hunting for cosmic rays since 2011. Slavin found out about this through a teacher she follows on Twitter which has provided a wealth and variety of lesson planning and project ideas for her classroom.

Nickels for NigerNickels for Niger
Taylor Elementary School students ran their “Coins for a Cause, Nickels for Niger” Campaign the entire month of November. This is the third year in a row that Taylor students have collected money to send a student in Niger, Africa. Through this effort, the students are understanding empathy, compassion for others and what it means to be a humanitarian. Fourth grader Shannon Wilson and second grader Ryan Wilson have spearheaded the Campaign.

Drew Helps AFACDrew Helps AFAC
The Dr. Charles R. Drew Library and first grade students organized a cereal drive for the Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC). Students used Project Based Learning to ask this question: How could students, as citizens of Dr. Charles R. Drew Elementary School, create a positive school community? Their answer, contact AFAC since their mission is to provide Arlington community members with dignified access to nutritious supplemental groceries. Within a week, students and staff donated over 50 boxes of cereal! What a great lesson about giving thanks a week before Thanksgiving.

ASFS Letter Writing to VeteransStudents at ASFS Send Letters to U.S. Armed Forces Overseas
Students and teachers spend the week of Nov. 11 writing personalized “Thank You” letters to members of the Armed Forces who are serving overseas. Students were taught about what each branch of the military does and given the opportunity to share about their own experiences with having members of their family serve in the military. Hundreds of letters were collected from the students and staff and will be sent overseas just in time for the holiday season.