APS News Release

School Board Approves FY 2021-30 Capital Improvement Plan Direction

During the December 5 meeting, the School Board approved the FY2021-30 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Direction. The FY 2021-30 CIP will support the School Board’s top priorities with an emphasis on increasing achievement for all reporting groups that shows progress toward eliminating the opportunity gap. In the proposed CIP direction, the Board directs the Interim Superintendent to prepare the Fiscal Year 2021‐30 CIP to balance the following three factors with available debt capacity such that debt service will not exceed 9.8% of the annual operating budget in any fiscal year.:

  • The need for increase student capacity;
  • The locations where capacity is most needed; and
  • The school years by which the increased capacity is most needed.

The Board also directs the Interim Superintendent to base the FY 2021‐30 CIP upon the 2019 Arlington Facilities and Student Accommodation Plan (AFSAP) as well as propose new capacity‐generating capital projects in the FY 2021‐30 CIP to address seating capacity needs identified in the 2019 AFSAP at all levels and coordinate with the current Elementary School Planning Process.Additional information is available online.

The Board also approved the following items:

  • Middle and High School Program of Studies – The Board approved the 2020-21 Middle and High School Program of Studies with amendments and a vote of 4-1.
  • Retirement of Select School Board Policies – The School Board voted to table the retirement of these select policies.


The Board heard staff presentations on the following items:

  • Dorothy Hamm Middle School Change to Construction Manager Advisor Contract – Staff presented a proposed change order to the Construction Manager Advisor contract for Hamm Middle School.
  • Annual Summer School Report and Fees – Staff presented the annual Summer School Report and proposed fees for summer 2020. Staff proposed no changes for Secondary Summer School and recommended applying criteria for enrollment in Elementary Strengthening Program and tightening the timeline, data collection, budget and staffing for students with Extended School Year goals.

The Board also received a Monitoring Report (presentation) on the Department of School & Community Relations and a Briefing Report (written report) on Extended Day. The presentation and briefing report are available on BoardDocs.

School Board member Reid Goldstein was sworn in at the start of the meeting. The School Board also received a report from the Minority Student Achievement Network Report.

The School Board will hold its next Regular Meeting (2110 Washington Blvd.) on Thu, Dec. 19 at 7 p.m. The agenda will be posted one week before the meeting on BoardDocs.

Citizens who want to comment on any items discussed at the School Board meeting should email the Board at school.board@apsva.us or call 703-228-6015. Citizens may call 703-228-2400 on the Monday after the School Board meetings to listen to a meeting summary. School Board meetings are also broadcast live on Comcast Cable Channel 70 and Verizon FiOS Channel 41; live-streamed on the APS website, and re-broadcast on Fridays at 9 p.m. and Mondays at 7:30 p.m. immediately following the meeting. All materials and minutes will be posted to the website at aps2016.apsva.us/schoolboard upon School Board approval at a subsequent meeting.