APS News Release

School Board Approves Budget for 2022-23 School Year

  • Includes class size reductions
  • Advances Strategic Plan goals by focusing on innovation and equity
  • Implements compensation adjustments
  • Improves operational efficiency

The School Board adopted its FY 2023 budget totaling $749,919,963 at its May 12 meeting. The FY23 budget requires an on-going County Transfer of $563,897,292, a one-time County Transfer of $20,484,857, a Beginning Balance or Carry Forward of $3,500,000, and funding from Reserves of $21,306,528.

The FY23 budget prioritizes resources to foster student well-being and academic success. It also invests in compensation and the school division’s commitment to hire and retain high quality staff to serve diverse student needs. The adopted FY23 budget includes funding for School Board priorities in four primary areas:

Priority 1: Ensuring student well-being and academic progress
Funding for this priority includes:

  • Class size reductions (reducing class size by 2 students at the elementary and 1 at the high school level)
  • New funding to invest in additional middle school teachers and enhance the middle school model to better serve students
  • Increased staffing for students with disabilities
  • Additional resources for English Learners, and
  • Other instructional resources and support

Priority 2: Advancing 2018-24 strategic plan goals with a focus on innovation and equity

  • Funding for additional school-based equity and excellence coordinators and an equity data dashboard
  • Policy support through the hiring of a Director of Policy
  • Expansion of the sustainability program, by providing stipends for all remaining schools

Priority 3: Recruiting, hiring and investing in a high-quality and diverse workforce

  • Provides funding to implement a compensation plan that begins the process to make employee compensation market competitive
  • Establishes a new collective bargaining office

Priority 4: Improving operational efficiency

  • Includes funding for additional investments for network infrastructure and increased funding to maintain and improve system-wide operations and implement a new online student registration system.
  • Also includes funding for the opening of the Washington-Liberty Annex (old Education Center)

In addition, the Board added funding for the following:

  • Four psychologists and social workers to support student mental health and wellbeing
  • Trauma-informed professional learning
  • The National Board-Certified Teacher Program
  • A Partnership Coordinator and Math Curriculum Supervisor
  • An update to the compensation and bell time studies
  • Additional high school math coaches
  • One year of tutoring for grades 6-12
  • The Planetarium reopening in October or November 2022 and hiring a director

Details on the School Board’s FY23 budget is available on BoardDocs and additional details on the FY23 budget process is available online.