APS News Release

Help APS Finalize the Draft 2018-24 Strategic Plan by April 19

Strategic Plan DevelopmentWe need everyone’s help! Share your thoughts on the draft 2018-24 Strategic Plan that charts a course over the next six years for APS students, staff, and leadership by Thursday, April 19.

Please participate!

  • For a quick update, watch a brief presentation on the draft plan in English or Spanish
  • Then share your thoughts about the draft plan using the community questionnaire
  • You can also listen to the latest discussion about the plan on our latest What’s Up, APS? podcast
  • Read and review the entire draft plan here
  • More information on the draft Strategic Plan is available—in English and Spanish—online.

The Steering Committee will finalize the draft 2018-24 Strategic Plan for School Board consideration in May and the School Board will adopt the final plan in June 2018.

Background on the Strategic Plan Process
The 2018-24 Strategic Plan aims to reflect our community’s values and expectations for APS, and help ensure that our schools can create new opportunities and meet the evolving needs of students. The Steering Committee has been working since Fall 2017 to develop this plan and represents a broad cross-section of perspectives and interests of staff, parents, students, and other community members.

Community input has been critical to this process. Elements of the plan—such as mission and vision statements, core values, goals, and strategies—have been rolled out along the way and, at each point, input from community members has been taken into account to better define rough drafts of each section. At this final stage, the committee and APS hope for continued broad participation from the larger community.