Happy Thanksgiving! A Special Video and Message from the Interim Superintendent

Dear APS Friends, Families and Staff,

As we head into the Thanksgiving break, I want to share my personal appreciation for the many ways our community comes together to support one another and our students throughout the year.

In this season of giving, our schools teach lessons of gratitude, kindness, community and giving back in many ways. As I continue to visit APS schools and programs, I am inspired and very touched to learn more about all the positive messages and acts of kindness students and staff are engaging in and fostering in their classrooms. I recently had the opportunity to visit Tuckahoe Elementary School students as they created a “gratitude puzzle” that warmed my heart. It’s part of Tuckahoe’s Positivity Project, which teaches students how to build positive relationships and connections with others.

The students always say it best, and I hope you enjoy this short video featuring my visit with students and their uplifting expressions of gratitude. Thank you to Tuckahoe Principal Mitch Pascal for his leadership on the Positivity Project and to third grade teacher, Kim DiNardo, for allowing me to join her class for this special activity.

I am personally grateful for the opportunity to spend time connecting with our students and serving their needs throughout the year. Thank you for being part of our APS family and for all you do to support our school community. Enjoy your time off and see you next week.

Warm Regards,
Cintia Johnson
Interim Superintendent