APS News Release

Five APS Teachers Earn National Board Certification

The National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) announced that 5 Arlington Public Schools teachers successfully earned their National Board Certification. This is in addition to the 20 that were announced in December.

National Board Certification is a priority for APS. To date, there are more than 200 APS teachers, or 7%, who are a National Board Certified Teachers. The state average is a little more than 4%. APS ranks second in Virginia for the number of National Board Certified teachers.

National Board Certification is a voluntary assessment program that recognizes, encourages and rewards teachers to strive for excellence. While state licensing systems set basic requirements to teach, teachers who earn National Board Certification have successfully demonstrated advanced teaching knowledge, skills and practices as determined by the NBPTS. Certification is achieved through a rigorous, performance-based assessment that typically takes one to three years to complete.

APS recognizes National Board Certification as part of the Career Advancement Program (CAP). CAP participants may choose National Board Certification as one portfolio option to demonstrate achievement of advanced professional skills and knowledge. The process requires teachers to build a portfolio that includes student work samples, assignments, videotapes and a thorough analysis of their classroom teaching. Additionally, teachers are assessed on their knowledge of the subjects they teach.

The teachers who successfully earned their certification are:

  • Bridget Fisher – Swanson Middle School, Mathematics
  • Mike Lenowitz – Wakefield High School, Mathematics
  • Maria Manchester – Jamestown Elementary School, Early Childhood Generalist
  • Gretchen Pike – Jamestown Elementary School, Exceptional Needs Specialist
  • Laurell Wiersma – Wakefield High School, Mathematics

Last month, APS announced that two APS teachers successfully renewed their certification.

The teachers will be recognized by the School Board at the March 25, 2021 meeting.