APS News Release

Career Center Students Take Top Honors in Production Awards

Arlington Career Center students took top honors in The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, National Capital Chesapeake Bay Chapter 2017 Student Production Awards competition. In total, there were 64 entries in 23 categories from students in Maryland, Washington, D.C. and Virginia. More than 60 professional journalists participated in judging the entries to identify the winners.

Student-winners included:

Short Form – Fiction: Alex Brandt, Spencer Hill, Alex Canfield, Cole Goco, Carson Brooke, and Ilmari Sivonen – The Hand of Retribution (http://bit.ly/2JgOjke)


Animation/Graphics/Special: Cole Goco and Evan Maly (http://bit.ly/2GBWFRS

For more information, visit www.capitalemmys.tv/students/outstanding-achievement-in-student-production/.