APS News Release

Career Center Students Earn 19 Gold Medals at SkillsUSA State Championships

Arlington Career Center students earned 19 Gold Medals, 11 Silver and Bronze medals at the SkillsUSA State Championships held in Fredericksburg at the end of April.

The conference was a showcase of career and technical education students where more than 1,000 outstanding career and technical education students, all regional contest winners, competed in 110 different trade, technical, and leadership fields.

During the state competition, students worked against the clock and each other, proving their expertise in occupations like electronics, computer-aided drafting, medical terminology, precision machining, and culinary arts. All contests are run with the help of industry, trade associations, and labor organizations.

Top students received gold, silver, and bronze medallions and many also received prizes such as tool sets, baskets of equipment, and/or scholarships to continue their education. APS sent 53 students from the Arlington Career Center with the following results:

Gold medals:
Juan Aguilar – Electrical Construction Wiring, Postsecondary division
Daniel Arebalo – Television Video Production
Daniel Arebalo – TV production Pre-produced cuts only
Alex Brandt – Television video production
Daniela Londono – Radio Communications pre-produced, postsecondary division
Daniela Londono – Television video production, Postsecondary division
Brian McTyre – Broadcast news production
Fernando Rocha – broadcast news production
Pablo Rodriguez-Lujan – Employment Application Process
Bryce Rusk – broadcast news production
Julio Sanchez – Collision repair technology, postsecondary division
Ulises Solano – Medical math
Sarah Strunk – Digital cinema production
Sarah Strunk – TV production pre-produced cuts only
Jordyn Harris – digital cinema production
Nikolai Karamyshev – radio communications pre-produced
Nikolai Karamyshev – broadcast news production

Silver medals:
Leslie Aranda – TV production preproduced special effects
Eber Cabrera – Electrical construction wiring – postsecondary division
Jayson Delgado – Collision repair technology – postsecondary division
Daniela Londono – TV production preproduced special effects – postsecondary division
Julio Luna Valdivia – restaurant service
Mark Pakdechad – Medical terminology
Tatiana Rivera – TV production preproduced special effects
Bryce Rusk – radio communications pre-produced
Hannah Foley – TV production preproduced special effects
Jordyn Harris – TV production preproduced special effects
Sophia Jaimes – Early Childhood education

Bronze medals:
Daniel Arebalo – TV production preproduced cuts only
Flor Caceres – Audio production
Sebastian Castro – electrical construction wiring, postsecondary division
Alex Pageotte – broadcast news production
Adalin Parada – Medical math
Sarah Strunk – Technical exam, TV Production
Robby Timpane – broadcast news production
Rene Espinoza – restaurant service
Ryan Foster-Baird – broadcast news production
Spencer Hill – TV video production
Yoada Zeleke – audio production