APS Go! Baseline Data Collection and Surveys

Baseline data collection involved a review of available transportation-related data and surveys on the current travel habits and preferences of the APS community. APS worked with a consultant team of nationally renowned transportation experts in October and November of 2013 to complete the following surveys:

  • Student Travel Tally for students pre-K through 10th grade
  • Student Travel Survey for students in 11th and 12th grade
  • Parent Travel Survey for parents of students pre-K through 10th grade
  • Staff Travel Survey

The Student Travel Tally and the Student Travel, Parent and Staff Surveys will be repeated in October 2016, and every two years thereafter to provide the data on which to measure progress towards the TDM Plan goals.

Summary Memo of the Baseline Data Analysis

For more information:

Comprehensive Analysis of Existing Data and Survey Responses

2013 APS Go! Original Survey Responses