Student Teaching/Internships are an important phase in the development of future teachers. Arlington County Public Schools welcomes partnerships with colleges and universities to train future educators.
How Colleges and Universities request a Student Teaching Placement/Internship or Practicum:
- A request should be made on behalf of the student by the university directly to the Talent Management & Acquisition Office in the Department of Human Resources. If multiple requests are being made, a cover sheet outlining the request should include the students’ names, majors and the dates of placements. It would also be helpful if specific requests for schools are made on that cover sheet. A handbook outlining the specifics of the placements should be included with the requests. The handbooks provided will be forwarded to the APS cooperating teachers.
- A completed student teaching/internship packet should be included with the request. This includes:
- APS Student Teaching/Internship Application
- Completed PDF of the Student Intern Application
- Current Resume
- Transcripts (official or unofficial) of all university/college coursework
- 2 Letters of Reference (1 must be included from current teacher or supervisor)
- TB Test Results (must have been taken within the past year)
- The Department of Human Resources will confirm placements and then provide written notice to the universities/colleges giving the details of each student teaching placement.
- Please notify the Department of Human Resources immediately in writing if there is a need to change the status of a confirmed placement.
Deadlines: Requests and applications must be received by the following dates to insure a timely placement:
Fall Student Teaching – May 1
Spring Student Teaching – October 1
Contact: Erin Wales-Smith, and Shauna Corbin,