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Twice Exceptional (2e) Students


To increase knowledge of the unique needs of twice exceptional (2e) students in order to ensure appropriate services and increase access to rigorous coursework.


APS will provide a responsive educational experience that meets the needs of the whole child, including socio-emotional and academic needs, for twice exceptional (2e) learners to access and be successful in rigorous coursework that prepares students to achieve college and career aspirations.

APS will develop a clear understanding of the needs of 2e students and strengthen and increase collaboration between general education teachers, resource teachers of the gifted (RTGs), special education teachers, parents, students, administrators and related service providers.


Belief Statements


APS believes that all twice exceptional (2e) learners should be provided a rigorous education and coursework that teaches to their strengths and uses evidence-based practices to scaffold instruction for their individual needs.


APS believes that all students deserve to have their social/emotional needs met, including the ability to self-regulate, ensure positive interactions with school staff and peers, and become self-determined, in order to achieve their potential.

Service Delivery

APS believes that 2e service delivery must:

  • be provided in a least restrictive environment, across all levels and course offerings;
  • be appropriate to the student’s needs and flexible in delivery within individual student’s schedules;
  • be consistently provided across schools and grade levels; and
  • include IEP service hours and accommodations in all classes


We believe that all staff should fully understand the profile of 2e learners and appropriate resources to support the individual needs of these students.

       Student’s 2e Profile

Considerations for Twice Exceptional Learners

Early Identification and Intervention
Executive Functioning Support
Social and Emotional Learning


Virginia Department of Education
VDOE created this resource to support parents and teachers in identifying and serving 2e learners.

Twice – Exceptional Newsletter 
Bi-monthly newsletter that addresses different areas of learning challenges for students who are gifted and who have a learning disability.
Helpful articles, strategies, resources, research and recommended books are shared for teachers and parents.

National Association for the Gifted (NAGC)
NAGC is the national organization for gifted education.  This site shares research, common myths, resources, hot topics and has a frequently asked questions to support administrators, teachers and parents.

NEA: The Twice Exceptional Dilemma
This publication includes information on identification of twice exceptional learners, provides common characteristics of students who are both gifted and disabled and offers suggestions for accommodations and available resources.

Uniquely Gifted
This site offers resources designed to support teachers and parents of gifted children with learning challenges.  This resource includes articles, recommended books and information on specific areas of struggle.

LD Online
Many articles, recommendations and strategies for twice exceptional children.

Educational Resources Information Center
This website focus on gifted education to include twice exceptional learners to support parents, teachers and students.